BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Gabriella and Hector

Gabriella and Hector in Series 9

Hector Reid is a jocular and sometimes vitriolic former teacher of PE at Waterloo Road. He is a primary victim of Gabriella Wark, who continually tries to sexually induce him, and often punishes him when he refuses.

Hector has a strange personality. He is often friendly to his students, and promotes the usage of resilience alongside Simon Lowsley, but when people such as Gabriella Wark get on his nerves he would often humiliate them, as he does to Gabriella in front of the whole class, Nikki Boston and Vix Spark.

From his first appearance, he is incredibly cool-demeanoured and laid-back, almost mentally invulnerable to others. He tries to maintain a calm manner even in toxic or challenging situations.

He makes sardonic jokes about almost insane things, particularly when Gabriella tries to take his van and escape the school. Despite being extremely positive and kind-natured, he is quite malicious when doing this, so Gabriella and Barry Barry puncture his motorcycle tyre in retribution.

Hector sleeps with Nikki Boston, and when Gabriella Wark finds out, she tells Nikki's fiancée Vix, and Vix breaks up with Nikki, but they later reconcile. In Episode 20 Nikki leaves for Berlin with Vix, and Hector kisses Vix's sister, Sue Lowsley.

Series 9

In Series 9 Episode 11, Hector starts his time at Waterloo Road with a bang. In the first assembly, Hector, along with the help of Simon, pretend that the students have been taken hostage. This is a stunt which lands them both in hot water with headteacher Christine Mulgrew.

On the same day, Hector finds himself being admired by new pupil Gabriella Wark, who flashes him, a stunt which nearly gets him fired.

In Series 9 Episode 15, during the school resilience camp trip, Hector continues to make advances towards Nikki Boston despite knowing that she is a lesbian. While he is busy flirting with Nikki, Gabriella deliberately gets herself stranded in a lake on a boat without oars and calls Hector to get her. Having turned his phone off, Hector later finds himself in deeper trouble with Christine.

In Series 9 Episode 16, Gabriella catches Hector and Nikki coming into school together and reveals their affair to Vix. Hector, furious with Gabriella, warns her to keep away from him. Gabriella and Barry Barry respond by flattening one of the tyres on his motorbike.

In Series 9 Episode 20, Hector kisses Sue, which she quickly moves away from. This sets up Hector's storyline for Series 10.

Series 10

Throughout the first half of Series 10, Hector sets his sights on Sue Lowsley. The two of them have an affair behind Simons back.

Sue and Hector

Hector and Sue start an affair behind Simon's back.

In Series 10 Episode 9, this all comes to a head as Sue reveals the affair to Simon. Simon, in anger, rushes into the gym where Hector is teaching and pushes him against the wall. Simon almost hits him with a bat, but Vaughan Fitzgerald manages to talk Simon out of it. As Simon drives away to start his new job having asked Sue for a divorce, he suddenly reverses into Hector's motorbike, to Hector's annoyance.

In Series 10 Episode 10, Hector tells Sue his plans for the two of them to move to France in order for him to become a ski instructor in the Alps. Sue, having taken George Windsor's advice on board, refuses, telling Hector that she needs to be on her own for a while. Hector is last seen leaving the school teary-eyed. He is not seen again, and it is unclear whether he actually went to the Alps in the end.

Hector leaving

Hector leaving Waterloo Road.

Behind the scenes


  • "Nobody move!" (first line)

  • "Oh, no, no, stay, please. Is this how you always introduce yourself to new people?"

  • Hector: "Cover yourself up."
  • Gabriella: "Why, don't you like what you see?"

  • "Our Nikki, I'll win her round, I've seen the way she looks at me. She's halfway there already."

  • Hector: "OK, everyone! Come on, gather round, gather round! Little bit of hush, please! So. You've all seen and had a go on the assault course before. And a small number of you have even succeeded! But today, you will all succeed. In your teams, you will help your comrades across the finishing line! Consider this your Everest!"
  • Rhiannon: "Do we have to, sir?"
  • Hector: "Yes we do. And today, we have company. Sergeant Boston!"

  • "I've tried my best to be polite to you. But this is harassment. You're harassing me."

  • Hector: "Well, because...well, it's not every day you get the chance to uh...have a go on a beast like this."
  • Nikki: "You know, I find it staggering that you're still single with lines like that."

  • "Oh, yeah, right. You just wanted to see me with my kit off, didn't you?"

  • Hector: "Don't be nice to me, alright?"
  • Nikki: "Why not?"
  • Hector: "Cos it was easier when you were wiping the floor with me. Si's right. I'm a total idiot."

  • "Oh, Gabi, that is a good one yes, very funny, bravo! Oh no, Miss Boston, you sent me a text, we must be madly in love with each other! My bike broke down, you gave be a lift, but...will you marry me?"

  • "If you ever come into my office, or mention me and Miss Boston again, or even think about spreading a rumour about us, you will regret it. And that's not a threat, it's a cast-iron promise. Y'understand? Good. You see, there is no us. Never will be us. That's all in there. You know, I should thank you for what you did. Now that Miss Boston's single again..."

  • "You're starting to become a very unpleasant young woman, d'you know that?"

  • Sue: "What d'you think you're doing?!"
  • Hector: "Giving Nikki her happy ending."

  • "Look, you've gotta learn - there's some things you won't be able to do yet. Cos if you don't learn that, you're gonna frustrate the hell out of yourself." (to Kevin following his stroke)

  • Hector: "I'm all in favour of extra-curricular activities. How about you?"
  • Sue: "I'm married, remember?"

  • "Lads! Less chitchat, more chop chop! Balls don't bounce themselves, do they? Yummy mummies! It's time to get those pre-baby bodies back!"

  • "Don't wanna get out. I don't wanna leave you, Sue. In fact...I wanna take you home."

  • Hector: "This beats teaching, any day of the week."
  • Sue: "Hector!"
  • Hector: "Sue!"

  • "You and uh, your ex-wife used to teach at the same school, didn't you? Must've been tough. When the marriage broke down."

  • "Don't get it, do you? You're the reason I've changed. OK? Before, it was just about the chase and that rush you'd get, and afterwards I'd feel nothing, but with's completely different."

  • Sue: "I thought we'd seen the last of him."
  • 'Hector: "Well, you know what they say about cockroaches being able to survive a nuclear blast." (about George's return)

  • Sue: "You and me...maybe we're just not meant to be."
  • Hector: "I'm not giving up on you."
  • Sue: "And I'm not changing my mind."

  • "You know where to find me." (final line)