Harry Fisher was first seen at the beginning of Series 6 when his mother, Karen Fisher, joined the school as Head. His sister Jess Fisher also joined with him alongside his dad, Charlie Fisher. His family are still upset due to the disappearance of the Fishers' eldest child, Bex Fisher. Harry was portrayed by Ceallach "Cel" Spellman.
Series 6[]
In the first episode, Harry finds out that his father Charlie is having an affair and, with the help of Sambuca Kelly, takes photos of him and Francesca Montoya, all though Charlie is actually seeing another woman called Maria, and not Francesca. At first Karen doesn't believe him but then the story unfolds. His parents arguing was one reason Harry suffered from bulimia and his sister Jess started veering off the rails because of the disappearance of their sister Bex Fisher.
He starts a budding romance with Ruth Kirby and they join forces to defeat the bullies. Though in Episode 7 it all goes belly up when he attempts to drown himself after being constantly bullied by Finn Sharkey and Josh Stevenson. Finn then reveals to Karen that Harry makes himself sick, and he is sorted out. Later that day he is found eating and attempting to be sick. Karen wanted Harry to write the names of the people who were bullying him, so he wrote Finn Sharkey, Josh Stevenson, and, to Karen's surprise, his sister Jess Fisher.
Series 7[]
At the start of Series 7, he starts hanging round with Kyle Stack and gets involved with the lives of his sister Jess Fisher and her best mate Vicki MacDonald.
In Series 7 Episode 10, Karen Fisher is fired by Director of Education, Richard Whitman, due to poor management of the school and partly due to Eleanor Chaudry. This is the last time Harry was seen.
Harry appears to be quite insightful for his age. He has a dry sense of humour and a quick wit. Despite the relentless bullying he receives due to his small frame and status as the headteacher's son, Harry is incredibly resilient, not bursting into tears even once. This may be due to Harry's flawed coping mechanism; binge eating. Harry has Bulimia, a mental illness which causes people to eat copious amounts of food when they get stressed, and eventually throw the food back up by forcing a gag reflex. Along with the bullying, another reason for Harry's binging is the frequent fights between the other members of his family. He felt helpless and lonely during his mother and father's breakup, which in turn caused him to fly off the rails. However, he did eventually build up the courage to open up to his mother about his eating disorder.
All in all, despite a few complexities, Harry is essentially a nice kid who just wants to fit in amongst his peers.
- "See ya!" (first line)
- Harry: "Yeah! That's right, you tell 'em!"
- Jess: "Ooh, making new friends are we, baby brother?"
- Harry: "Get stuffed, Jess, I'm not a baby."
- Finn: "Yeah, he's a right little rebel, your brother. Gonna show Fisher who's boss."
- Jess: "Oh, you finally gonna stick up for yourself against Mummy, are you?"
- Harry: "Jess, don't."
- Josh: "Mummy?"
- Harry: "He is Fisher's number one son."
- Harry: "Dad. He's seeing Miss Montoya."
- Karen: "What?"
- Harry: "They're having an affair."
- "Hilarious, lads. Really. Come on. Hilarious. Ha, my sides are splitting." (as a group of lads threw his school bag around)
- Ruth: "Does that happen a lot? Those lads having a go at you?"
- Harry: "Pretty much every day. I don't mind though, it gives them something to do."
- Ruth: "You what?"
- Harry: "Well, if it wasn't for me, they'd be out on the streets causing trouble. I'm like a leisure centre, really."
- "You know, you're such a lame-o. And I hate that you make me feel so bad. And you, you just walk around sucking up to him."
- "I wasn't sicking up, I just went to the loo. That is allowed, isn't it?"
- "Couldn't you and Mum at least just take it in turns, or...fit me with a tracking device?"
- Jess: "Take it she'll be taking her kids with her?"
- Harry: "So they'll have a dad and we won't?!"
- "No wonder you're freaking out. You haven't been out the front door the whole of this holiday."
- "She's gone to the dentist. That's what I've been told!"
- "What about what you've done?! You know, I used to have two parents that would listen to me and help me. Now all I've got is a mum that shouts, issues orders, and will only talk about stuff connected to your precious job! AND I'VE GOT A DAD THAT I'M NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO SEE!"
- "Shouldn't you two be practising crawling in a gutter somewhere?"
- Jess: [on the phone to "Ewan"] "Hi, baby. I miss you too."
- Harry: "I swear she only saw him last night."
- "You're gonna electrocute yourself...for fun?"
- Harry: "Look, I know what it feels like, everyone knowing your parents' business. But if you ever need-"
- Amy: "What, talk? About what? About my dad never coming home? About my mum being a big ho-bag?"
- "Great. 'Uncle Harry', how old does that sound?!"
- "I thought you wanted this place shut down?" (final line)