Grace Drummond was an elderly lady who called Waterloo Road's "Helping Hands Hotline", to which Darren Hughes answered. He and Rhiannon Salt organise to go to her house and cook a steak. Rhiannon however gets held up by a modelling opportunity organised by Gabriella Wark's mum. Darren ends up going to do the cooking himself.
In the next episode, Grace shows Rhiannon and Darren some pictures from when she was younger. There was one of her ex called Ted Black. Darren and Rhiannon end up finding him on a website and invite him to the school for the school dance in Series 10 Episode 10 (The Final Straw). Grace is initially unhappy, saying that Ted left her waiting for him where they were supposed to meet all those years ago and never showed up, but when Ted says that it was Grace who left him waiting, it transpires that there had been a miscommunication back then about where to meet, and the young Ted and Grace had both been waiting, in different places. After this revelation, Grace and Ted make up and attend the school dance together. Neither are seen again after the dance.
Behind the Scenes[]
Actress Judith Barker previously appeared as school secretary Estelle Cooper in Series 1. This makes her the only actress to appear in both the first and last series of the original run of the show.