BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Dean Weever is a former student at Waterloo Road High School.

Series 11[]

Dean is known for his troublesome behaviour and often lands in the Behavioural Unit (BU), such as after he has a fight with Danny Lewis.

Dean is usually seen hanging around with his best mate Noel McManus, and at the start of the series, they oppose the school's name change from William Beswick to Waterloo Road, mostly just to wind up the other pupils. When Dean and Danny are in the BU, Noel smuggles them weed from outside through the window of the toilets, and deputy head Lindon King catches them with it. Danny refuses to snitch on who brought the weed in and takes the blame, but Dean later confesses that it wasn't Danny.

Also during his time in the BU, he forms a budding romance with Kelly Jo Rafferty. Kelly Jo's best friend Samia Choudhry disapproves and accuses him of being a part of the boys' 'Hot or Not' group chat where they rate the girls' looks, but this ultimately turns out not to be true.

Series 12[]

Dean and Kelly Jo's relationship continues to get stronger in Series 12. They are both let out of the BU, and Dean surprises Kelly Jo with an illicit makeshift barbecue. Kelly Jo is apprehensive about getting sent back to the BU over the barbecue, and indeed a teacher catches them, at which point Dean accidentally knocks the barbecue into the bucket that was holding it and the bucket bursts into flames and Kelly Jo runs away.

During this series, Dean learns how to help Kelly Jo to calm down when she gets overwhelmed because of her ADHD, by sitting with her in silence.

At the end of the series, Dean is one of many pupils who turn on Myles Massey after the discovery that Myles found Preston Walters unresponsive after his cardiac arrest and just left him there without trying to help him.

Series 13[]

In Series 13, Dean and Noel create a fake social media profile in Coral Walker's name and use it to catfish Neil Guthrie. Neil thinks that he and Coral have been chatting each other up online, and eventually Dean and Noel send a picture of Dean's feet to Neil pretending they are Coral's, but this causes Neil to confront Coral in-person, and she reveals that she had nothing to do with it, and Dean and Noel are caught out.

Later in the series, Kelly Jo tells Dean that she thinks she might be pregnant. Kelly Jo does a pregnancy test in the girls' toilets while Dean waits outside, but Dean panics and runs away before she emerged with the positive result. When she later tells him that he is "off the hook", Dean takes this to mean that she is not pregnant and reacts with visible relief. When she later tells him that she is actually pregnant, he stupidly asks if it is his and she snaps at him and tells him that she never wants to see him again.

When Parveen, a former babysitter of Noel's who was starting work in the school kitchens, leaves her baby son Tyson in the school while she is working, Noel and Dean chance upon the child and look after him for a short while, and when Tyson starts crying, the duo find themselves adept with babies, leading Dean to offer his support to Kelly Jo. Kelly Jo however has decided to have an abortion. Dean is devastated and begs her to change her mind, but she holds firm.

Dean and a few other pupils are forced to come into school to do GCSE revision on inset day, on the day of Kelly Jo's abortion. Dean sends Samia to Kelly Jo's house to speak to her, but ultimately Samia goes with Kelly Jo to the abortion clinic and Kelly Jo goes through with the abortion. After kicking off at maths teacher Marc Todd, a despondent Dean later gets drunk and smashes up Kelly Jo's special sensory room at the school before having sex with fellow pupil Libby Guthrie in a cupboard. Kelly Jo comes into school and catches Dean and Libby coming out of the cupboard, and ends their relationship.

Dean begs Kelly Jo to forgive him, but she feels unable to ever trust him again.

Series 14[]

Dean makes a one off appearance in Series 14, unexpectedly turning up in the sixth form common room, despite failing his GCSEs. He boasts that he guilted the school into letting him stay claiming he would work extra hard.

Libby Guthrie finds herself being cyberbullied and believes that Dean is the one sending the texts. Following Kelly Jo Rafferty finding Libby crying in the toilets, she confronts Dean, tricking him into admitting to sending the texts to Libby, saying that she deserved it for splitting them up.

When Dean realises that Kelly Jo tricked him and was secretly on Libby's side, he flips out, threatening Libby and yelling at Kelly-Jo claiming that this is all her fault for aborting their child. Neil Guthrie, on the discovery that Dean is threatening his daughter, confronts Dean, who goes to punch him. Neil restrains Dean to stop him from getting physical. On finding out that Neil has restrained a pupil, acting head Joe Casey initially suspends Neil, only to later realise his mistake. Dean is permanently excluded for threatening Libby and trying to attack Neil, and is not seen again.


  • "Nah, I'm not taking off my uniform for no snowflakes!" (first line)

  • "You got no school, mate! No home! You've not even got a mum! Nothing!"

  • "I wouldn't dare. If I said anything like that about a woman, me mam'd headbutt me. She might be five foot nothing, but she's a rottweiler!"

  • "Everyone knows Vinny McCullen. Yeah, he's bad news, innit?"

  • Dean: "Don't I normally get detention at this point, Miss?"
  • Coral: "You can have one if you want one."

  • "I wanna make today dead special. I won't let nothing or no-one spoil it for us." (after Kelly Jo is let out of the BU)

  • "Have I done something wrong? I've been trying to help. The fire weren't all my fault, you know. You did tell us to. It were meant to be romantic, like. I was just tryna make a nice day for us. What, are you gonna delete us from your life now?"

  • "I bet you were a right good help in this. Remember those first-aid lessons, what was it? Ring 999, give CPR, oh yeah, and wear a big stupid costume!"

  • "You know what? You know what, I'm gonna spark him out for Kelly Jo!"

  • "You sure her name's 'Coral'? Her parents must've hated her even more than we do."

  • "Nah, you couldn't batter a fish wi' what he's showing you!"

  • "Well, look, I'll say it again and again, I'm sorry for before, Kelly Jo. You're everything to me, I don't wanna lose you. Please. Maybe if we had this baby, it wouldn't be a disaster! No, just, let me finish, please, cos it's important. Yeah? Just...I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed being with the little man, and how good I was at it! I'm just saying, you need to think about it, that's all. You know, when you make your decision, which...which is your decision, not no-one else's. That doesn't mean you can't take into account what other people think when you make it."

  • Dean: "I'm not your mate."
  • Marc: "Steady."
  • Dean: "You're just some sad old teacher who wants to be down with the kids."

  • Dean: "Look, you were just there, Libby."
  • Libby: "Right."
  • Dean: "And what we did...I just wanna forget it ever happened! I need to get Kelly Jo back."

  • "It weren't even that good. I were kissing her, and realised she really looks like her dad."

  • "Oh! Oh, well done, good one! Is that what this is, yeah? You're both tryna bait me? You love it, you, don't you? Playing the victim, oh, boo-hoo, poor you!"

  • "Get out my way then, man." (final line)