Darren Brigg Jnr appeared in Series 3 episodes 11 and 12. He was portrayed by Lee Worswick.
Series 3[]
Darren was diagnosed with dyslexia and was helped by then teaching assistant, Davina Shackleton. At parents evening in Series 3 Episode 11 his father, Darren Brigg Snr, thanks Davina for the work she's done with Darren.
In Series 3 Episode 12 his father brings Davina flowers and asks her out, but she turns him down telling him that she has other plans. His father won't take no for an answer, but Davina eventually shuts him down by explaining that she's seeing someone else.
Darren's father once again turns up at the school claiming that he needs to speak to Davina privately about Darren's school work. When he starts to flirt again Davina fully shuts him down once again explaining that she's seeing someone else. Furious, Darren sees his father storming out of the school. He tells Darren that Davina has been leading him on and she needs to be taught a lesson. When Darren lets slip that Davina hugged him, his father to get back at her tells Rachel Mason that Davina has been flirting and touching up Darren. Davina confronts Darren, who insists that he never said anything and that his dad was simply mistaken.
Davina drives Darren home, where his dad apologies. Davina tries to leave but Darren's father insists that she stays for a drink. When Davina tries to leave again, Darren's father becomes aggressive and locks the front door shutting her in the house. Filled with anger and rage at Davina's rejection, Darren Snr continually insults her before finally breaking down in tears on the sofa. Davina takes the opportunity to leave. Darren Jnr apologises to Davina for everything and hugs her. He jokes about how luckily he takes after his mother rather than his father. Davina leaves saying that she will see him at school. Darren and his father aren't seen again.