BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Danny Lewis was a Year 12 student at Waterloo Road High School.

A former pupil who left in Year 10 after experiencing family difficulties during lockdown, he was invited back by Kim Campbell to complete his A Levels alongside two of his GCSEs. He had been sleeping rough in the school with his dog Angel after a family breakdown during the pandemic, and during this time, he decided to stay in Waterloo Road's boiler room as a place of safety, before he was discovered on the first day of term and apprehended by Sergeant Mike Rutherford. After speaking with social worker Jamilah Omar, the school arranged for him to live in a hostel, where he reconnected with his old school friend Kai Sharif, while Lindon King helped him get his classwork back on track after a spell in the behavioural unit. Joe Casey and Valerie Chambers managed to make contact with Danny's mother, who was living in Birmingham with her boyfriend whom Danny fought with frequently during lockdown. Due to their troubled relationship, his mother did not want contact with him.

After he was threatened by another hostel resident named Mac, Valerie offered to take Danny in despite it not being allowed for a pupil to live in their teacher's home. In Series 11 Episode 4, Valerie tells him she will not kick him out and that he had a home for however long he needed it, and Danny continued to live with Valerie throughout the rest of Series 11 and Series 12.

It is revealed that Danny previously stole £1000 from his mother's boyfriend Vinny McCullen. In Series 11 Episode 7, Vinny turns up at the school looking for Danny. Danny attempts to run away, but Vinny catches him and starts to beat him up, but Danny ends up stabbing Vinny with a knife he'd been secretly carrying. After the stabbing, Vinny survives and is hospitalised, and Danny is expelled from Waterloo Road and transferred to a local PRU.

It was hinted that Danny harboured a crush on Samia Choudhry before he returned in Series 12. After Samia and Preston break up, Danny gets closer with Samia and both eventually start a relationship in Series 12.

During this series, Danny gives a talk at the school about his past, and decides that he wants to study criminology in order to understand why people commit crimes.

In the last episode of the series, another student, Myles Massey, goes on a rampage and starts a fire at the school after locking his own mother Rose in a cupboard with Danny and Samia. Rose and Samia succeed in escaping but Myles is unable to move after being knocked out in a fight with Danny. Danny goes back to rescue him, and Myles manages to get out of the window with his help. However, the building explodes before Danny could get out and he sadly dies, devastating Valerie, Kai and Samia.


Danny was a quiet, introverted kid, as said early on by Valerie Chambers saying she remembered him being quiet, and Jamilah Omar saying he wasn't exactly talkative, and he was known only to confide in his guardian Valerie or his best friend Kai Sharif. He had a lot of insecurities, always worried he would be blamed for something or the worst case scenario happening, such as when he was worried about the party Kai was planning at Valerie's house. He was known to get angry quickly, which often led to him getting himself into trouble. He was also smart, passing his two main GCSEs in only a few months. He was also seen to have more respect towards women than the other male students, being angry when he found out about the Hot or Not list.


  • Danny had a dog named Angel, who he named after his grandmother, who died of COVID. Following Danny's death, the dog was passed on to Andrew Treneman.
  • Before moving in with Val, Danny lived in a hostel called Sardinia House.
  • Danny was on the Waterloo Road basketball team 'Waterloo Wasps', he is number 24.
  • Danny had been learning the guitar from Valerie since he moved in with her. In Series 11 Episode 4, Valerie gifted him one of her old guitars.
  • In Series 12, Danny attends a pupil referral unit called Irwell PRU.


  • "Get off!" (first line)

  • Danny: "I don't know. Things are complicated at home."
  • Kai: "Listen, I get it. My family are on my back 24/7. They do not stop."
  • Danny: "But they let you come to school dressed like My Little Pony?"

  • "Is she still with him? Vinny. Yeah. Well, I shoulda known she'd choose him."

  • "Well, he's just lost us the match, he's having a barney with his girlfriend, and overall he's just a general melt, so..."

  • "Don't you dare say her name! You and your boyfriend, leave her out of it, you get me?! And to think that I actually thought that you were coming here to see me! I thought I was right. Mum, you always let me down! I always fall for it."

  • Danny: "Tell Vinny that I don't owe him anything!"
  • Kai: "Danny, why have you got a knife?"
  • Danny: "Don't come near this house, my mates, or anyone I know again! Go!"

  • "He came after me. Vinny. Look, Miss, you have done all that you could to change where I was going. can't change where I come from. And that is always gonna follow me."

  • Danny: "I've got nothing, Sam."
  • Samia: "It's not true. You've got me."

  • "Nah. I had a knife, Samia. Look, I don't expect you or no-one else to hold my hand through it. I don't wanna bring you all down with me."

  • "Hey. I just wanted to put something out there. First...thanks for all the support you've given me. Means a lot, and...I know everyone's behind me. You've all been amazing. But I don't deserve it. I did something really stupid. I carried a blade. Cos of that, I messed everything up. I had a future, I had a chance at school. I had friends...even if I didn't realise at times. And...I'm telling you this, because I'm no hero. I'm an idiot. I threw my life away in a second. I was to blame. Me...and only me. And I carried it, because I was a coward. Not a hero. And I've gotta learn to live with that. I can't pretend that I didn't do it. Cos I did. I did it. That's why...I'm going the police and I'm admitting everything. And whatever I get, it's cos I deserve it, so please...don't fight for me. Don't be like me. Thanks."

  • "Everyone labels me as a criminal. When they see me in this uniform, they instantly start judging me. That's to say they weren't judging me already."

  • "This school was safe. I loved it. Miss Campbell, she brought me back to do my resits. I were even gonna play guitar in the end of term show. I had everything here. But I was the one that blew it. Me."

  • "Nah. I were thinking, something more like criminology. I know that I probably wont be able to get a job with my record, but, I really like the idea of doing research into why people commit crimes, so then maybe I could go back and understand."

  • "Please...don't tell me that you think she's been stupid enough to actually lend something off him?"

  • Nicky: "Since when do you care what happens to Preston?"
  • Danny: "Kai cares about Preston. And that is good enough for me."

  • Danny: "I believe that you can come back from anything, if you really want it badly enough."
  • Lenny: "I reckon you're right."
  • Danny: "But you can't change the things that have happened, or forget the things that you wish you could forget. I've made some big mistakes, and the hardest thing I'll ever have to do is live with them. I wish I didn't know what knives did. I wish I'd never seen it."
  • Lenny: "Me too."
  • Danny: "Honestly, I wish I wasn't the usual suspect. And it's hard to change people's minds, once they've made 'em up. But it's my fault."
  • Lenny: "Why?"
  • Danny: "I stabbed someone. Doesn't matter what the reason was. I'm not that person."
  • Lenny: " are being honest about who you are now. That is the only thing that matters. Innit?"
  • Danny: "It's not easy. Taking responsibility. It's actually the hardest thing in the world."

  • "I don't hate you. I love you. I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone. I'm no good for you. You don't need me, dragging you down. And you know, you were right, Sami. You were right not to believe a word that I say about anything."

  • "Samia!" (final line)