The Dale Sken Crew (DSC) were one of two street gangs introduced in the third part of Series 7. Whilst there are several other members seen on screen, the only named characters involved are Mason Price, Kyle Stack, and eventually Tariq Siddiqui. Membership of the gang can be identified by their signature black trainers with bright red laces.
The DSC make their first appearance in the third and final part of Series 7. They are first seen spraying graffiti on a wall of the school. Eventually the members make themselves known in the school. One of the members in the gang is Kyle Stack, last seen towards the end of Series 7 Episode 10 and notably absent in the second part of this series.
In Series 7 Episode 21, Tariq is quickly roped into the DSC having met Mason Price whilst the two were in prison. Tariq agrees to join and his first task involves luring Finn Sharkey to the local arcade where they plan to jump him. The other gang members including Kyle and Mason watch Tariq and Finn get into a fist fight, until Mason gives Tariq a knife telling him to stab Finn with it, but Daniel Chalk intervenes before the knife can be used. Eventually the police arrive, the other gang members flee and Mason is arrested.
After this incident, the police put more patrols on the local estates as mentioned by Michael Byrne. Also after these events, Daniel becomes the school's gang liaison officer.
In Series 7 Episode 22, Tariq is given a knife by Kyle who says that "you've earned your stripes". However, Tariq attempts to leave the gang, which Kyle correctly believes. Kyle, along with a few of the DSC members, confronts Tariq, who holds them back with the knife, only for Kyle to reveal that the same knife Tariq is holding was recently used in a robbery, leaving Tariq stuck in the gang or he will go back inside. After losing the Head Boy vote to Finn, Tariq resets his sights on the DSC.
The gang are seen and mentioned multiple times for the rest of the episodes. In Episode 25, Tariq tags a wall in town with the DSC symbol for an article for the school newspaper.
In Series 7 Episode 26, Kyle hatches a plan to start a fight with rival gang the 'Murray Set Boyz' (MSB) led by Eugene Garvey during the school's running event at the Murray estate. Tariq and Kyle engage in a mostly verbal altercation with the MSB before it is broken up by Chalky. Eugene later ends up at Waterloo Road after the run and is threatened by Kyle and Tariq, and a physical fight ensues before it is broken up by Chalky and Michael. Tariq and Kyle lie to Michael claiming Eugene came for them. Michael then hints to them he knows they are both members of the DSC.
In Episode 28, Tariq and Kyle sell illegally imported Russian vodka at the school, which eventually leads to Kyle being permanently excluded when he assaults Nikki Boston after the vodka is found in his locker.
In Episode 29, after Finn and the MSB set fire to the Siddiquis' lockup which also happens to be the DSC's hangout, Finn runs in to rescue Naseem Siddiqui who was inside when the fire was set. Tariq attacks Finn and the rest of the DSC arrive as Eugene and the rest of the MSB come out of the bushes. A brawl is about to erupt before Michael and Trudi arrive and both gangs flee.
In Episode 30, Kyle and Tariq plan to attack Finn with a crossbow at the school prom. Tariq has a change of heart but when he goes to retrieve the crossbow during the prom, he discovers it has been taken, correctly guessing that it was stolen by Kyle. Tariq attempts to tell Finn but to no avail as Finn believes Tariq is trying to split him and Trudi up again. This proves to be false as Josh Stevenson, Ronan Burley and Tom Clarkson all arrive looking for Tariq, Kyle aims the crossbow at Finn and fires it but Josh jumps in the way and the crossbow bolt hits him in the arm.
As Kyle is taken away by the police, Tariq tells Michael that he will tell the police everything about the DSC. After this the gang is not mentioned again as the school moves away from the area up to Greenock, but it is presumed the DSC either disbanded following Kyle's arrest or the remaining members were rounded up and arrested by the police.