Life is never easy for Connor Mulgrew, the seriously emotionally screwed-up teenager. He has a very difficult and strained relationship with his mother Christine, but his instant chemistry with Imogen could change all of this. But his mum is the worst part of it - she is an alcoholic and never stops drinking. Due to the many stresses in his life, Connor becomes a pyromaniac during the first half of Series 8, suffering from sudden mood swings when bad things (usually his mother's drinking) occur.
Connor sets fire to the school after Christine ruins his plans to run away with Imogen. Imogen comes into the room in which he set the fire and tries to get him out, however Imogen ends up being injured and is left scarred. Connor initially shuts himself away following this, and it is a while before he finds himself able to even look at Imogen, unable to cope with what he has done to her. Wheh he eventually confesses to her that it was he who started the fire, she struggles to forgive him at first.
Connor gets a shock when his father Joe turns up at the school to see Christine. His hopes are raised when Joe begins to show an interest in him, little knowing that all Joe was interested in was reclaiming his late father's farmhouse that was left to Christine. There is further heartbreak in store when Connor overhears Christine confiding in Michael and discovers not only that his 'paternal grandfather' had raped her, but that the man was actually his father, making Joe his half-brother.
After Connor and Imogen get back together he proposes to her and they are secretly engaged.
In Series 8 Episode 20, Connor and Imogen get married.
In Series 9 Episode 11, new girl Gabriella Wark arrives and immediately kisses Connor, infuriating Imogen.
In Series 9, Connor finds a passion for cooking food and later leaves the school to get a job as a kitchen porter in London as part of his chef training.
Connor’s best friend is Kevin Chalk
- Connor lives on 14 Sherwood Drive.
- "Mm." (first line)
- Connor: "You wanna try living with her."
- Scout: "You know her?"
- Connor: "She's my mum."
- "Three bottles you had last night. And I had to put you to your bed."
- Christine: "How many people know?"
- Connor: "That there was a bottle of vodka on your desk at lunchtime? About half the school."
- Connor: "Are you asking me on a date?"
- Imogen: "Calm yourself. It's just a film."
- "You can be as hard on me as you like. Water off a duck's back. But I swear if you start on her, I will make your life a misery."
- "Don't say that. 'Alcoholic'. It's just a word that people throw at somebody that drinks. It means nothing."
- "Why don't you back off and leave my mum alone?" (to Audrey)
- "These are my mum's from home. She hides them in the house cos she's an alcoholic, and I'm sure she's got some stashed in her class as well. Probably here. Breathalyse her if you don't believe me, she's drunk right now! Like she is every day."
- "I saw her face. I did that. Me. I can't do it, I can't."
- "Look at her! D'you know what? Fine. Have it your way. But I'm going. I'd live in a tent if it meant getting away from you."
- "Mum didn't start the fire...I did."
- "No, Mum, don't do that! I'm the arsonist. Mum lied to cover up for me. I started the fire and I burnt Imogen. It was me, it was my fault. I'm to blame."
- "The fire that broke out last term...that damaged the school...that scarred Imogen Stewart...was started by me. The police are involved, and I'm not sure what's gonna happen...but you need to know that what I did was wrong, and I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life. There's that old saying, I think, that goes 'you only hurt the things and the people that are closest to you. That you love'. And that's what I did. And I'm going to have to live with that, not just today, but every day."
- "What do you want from me? I've tried everything, Imogen, sorry isn't enough. I'd let them burn me if it made any difference. If there was anything I could do, but...there isn't, is there?"
- "I was thinking about you. And us...getting married?"
- Connor: "Your brother is such a loser."
- Dynasty: "He's still my brother though, isn't he? So watch your mouth."
- "There is no 'we'! And how do you 'properly' murder someone anyway?!"
- "You are unbelievable. I have spent all morning defending you and your cuts, and this is the thanks I get? Yeah well no more, cos I'm out of here. Come on guys. We're on strike."
- "I had to do the cooking when my mum w...was busy, so, yeah, anything tastes good when it's got sauce on it."
- Barry: "He won't want our junk food, Daz. He's a famous chef. Oh sorry, I mean, kitchen skivvy."
- Connor: "Drop dead, Barry."
- "I mean the cooking thing. I don't care what my mum thinks, it's what I want to do."
- Connor: "I couldn't understand why she chose the drink over me. And I guess I thought it was my fault."
- Christine: "So what did you do?"
- Connor: "I would self-destruct. And, um, I did some pretty bad things, and it's a place that I would never like to go back to, but, I guess...I guess that I learned that it's never too late to change."
- Stevie: "How?"
- Connor: "By talking about it. It's a nightmare, huh? But it does work. And now I'm really proud of her."
- "Listen, this is it, mate. It doesn't get any harder than now."
- Connor: "Cookie Davies. All the critics are raving about her. I sent over some recipes and she wanted to interview me for a job - kitchen hand! Wait, thought"
- Imogen: "Why didn't you tell me?"
- Connor: "Because if I get the job I'm gonna have to move to London."
- "I am, but she's...she's given up. She's quit this place, and I think she's gonna let them strike her off. I'm gonna move back home. For good."
- "And what about you?" (final line)