BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Colin Bond is a senior graphics and product design (GPD) and physics teacher at Havelock High School in Greenock. He is responsible for inter-school visits and tours. He is possibly part of the Senior Management Team at the school.

Colin first appears in Series 10 Episode 12 talking to Kevin Chalk, who had been taking GPD lessons at Havelock. He tells Kevin that he no longer needs to be taking classes at Havelock as Waterloo Road have hired a new GPD teacher. However, at the end of the episode, Kevin transfers to Havelock High.

Colin is next seen when Lorna and the PTA visit Havelock. Colin, the PTA and an entourage of Havelock pupils then visit Waterloo Road in turn, where Colin's planned science lesson goes down the pan due to Leo Fitzgerald tampering with Colin's laptop, which had contained the lesson plan, in order to play his computer game. Marco D'Olivera takes over the lesson, but the class is plunged into chaos when Lisa Brown causes a small explosion which throws sparks into Carrie Norton's eyes.

Colin tells Vaughan Fitzgerald that he will have to report the incident, to which Vaughan points out that as the senior teacher, Colin should have been supervising. It's assumed that Colin thus doesn't report the incident.

Colin is last seen leaving with his students. He tells Lorna Hutchinson that he recognises her from a wedding in Bath they both attended three or four years ago. Lorna insists that it wasn't her.

Colin isn't seen again.
