BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Cheryl Bryant (formerly known as Poppy Fry) is the daughter of Janeece Bryant.

Cheryl was originally going to be adopted by Ruby and John Fry as Janeece felt that she wasn't ready for a baby; however, Janeece had a change of heart and decides to keep her.

In Series 8, she becomes ill with chickenpox and Janeece covers up her spots with makeup.

Cheryl also burnt herself with hair straighteners when Janeece left her home alone. Chalky took her to A&E. After this incident, she left the series with Janeece to go live in Ibiza.


  • Cheryl was going to be named Cole if she was a boy. You can probably guess who she was named after.
  • If she were adopted by Ruby and John Fry, she would have been named Poppy.