BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Charlie Fisher is the ex-husband of Headteacher Karen Fisher, and the father of Jess Fisher, Harry Fisher and Bex Fisher.

He joined Waterloo Road as a supply teacher, carrying a secret that he was having an affair with another woman. Harry initially suspected that it was with Francesca Montoya, and told Karen as much, but the truth came out that it wasn't Cesca but a close friend of hers called Maria Lucas. After Karen found out the full truth, she forced Charlie to confess to his daughter Jess, because otherwise she would've found out herself.

When Karen and Charlie got a divorce it tore the family apart, Jess started veering off the rails even more and Harry's bulimia worsened. After the divorce we don't really see Charlie any more.

Charlie was more interested in helping his son with his bulimia than he was about Jess veering off the rails, or that she was living a promiscuous life.

In Series 6 Episode 9, his girlfriend Maria Lucas gets offered a new job in London. He later threatens Chris Mead after discovering that he and Jess slept together.

He is last seen in Series 6 Episode 10 explaining to an upset Jess and Harry that he is moving away. He and Karen agree that Bex's disappearance is what broke up their marriage; Karen wishes him luck for the future.


  • Charlie is never shown on screen with his daughter Bex Fisher, however he is mentioned by her and she visits him off screen.


  • "Karen, are you nearly done in here, love?" (first line)

  • "It suits you, you know. Going back to work."

  • "I'm sorry about this. You can't turn the corner at the moment without bumping into one of our family."

  • Charlie: "Did anyone see you?"
  • Cesca: "I don't think so."
  • Charlie: "Look, I'm-I'm...I'm really sorry about this."
  • Cesca: "This has to stop, Charlie."
  • Charlie: "Yeah, I know. Come on, let's take a walk."

  • "Okay, stop, because you know what, this isn't about Jess, this isn't even about this ridiculous magazine. This is about how you deal with stuff. Why on earth did you tell Christopher about Bex? We agreed to move on."

  • "I just don't know how to reach you any more, Karen. And I'm sick of being alone."

  • "Cooler, both of you!"

  • "Jess is right. There's just no point to this any more, I'm sorry, Karen, but I've tried to act like everything's okay, but d'you know, it's just not. You might not be ready to move on, but you know what, the rest of us are. Nothing any of us try and do is ever good enough for you, and then we just keep coming back to all this."

  • Charlie: "When your mother and I split up, it wasn't because we fell out of love, or what happened with your sister. Well it was, but..."
  • Jess: "Just say it, Dad."
  • Charlie: "I had an affair."

  • Charlie: "Sorry, Ronan, I wasn't aware this was a comedy club?"
  • Jess: "It's not, sir."
  • Charlie: "Ah, so what's so funny?"
  • Jess: "Nothing, sir."
  • Charlie: "Then get on with your work. Boom boom."


  • "If you touch my girl again, I'll kill you."

  • Charlie: "Listen, I know it's a busy day for you, but uh, I've got some news. Maria's been promoted to headteacher."
  • Karen: "Good for Maria."
  • Charlie: "In London."

  • Charlie: "The day you came home and told me you were pregnant with Bex, and you were worried because you'd just got your promotion...d'you know, I've never felt so fulfilled in my life. So much joy crammed into one second. We were a family, she completed us. Sad thing is, she tore us apart."
  • Karen: "We let her."
  • Charlie: "Now, see, no, I don't believe that. No, I-I believe we'da been alright, you know. If she just hadn't've left like she did."
  • Karen: "I'm so sorry."
  • Charlie: "Yeah, so am I."
  • Karen: "I hope things work out for you."
  • Charlie: "Thank you." (final line)