Caz Williams is a student at Waterloo Road High School. Caz is known for her intelligence and razor-sharp tongue.
Series 11[]
During the first day riots Caz's hair gets covered in the red paint Shola Aku brought for the protest. She also participates in the cheerleading routine ahead of the basketball friendly demonstration exposing the boys for their 'Hot or Not' group chat.
Series 12[]
In Series 12 Episode 7, Caz hosts Waterloo Road's new school radio show alongside Noel McManus.
Series 13[]
In Series 13 Episode 7, Caz mentions that she's looking to study environmental law at university.
Series 14[]
In Series 14, Caz is seen helping the other sixth-formers to sneak musical instruments out of the school to perform the Battle of the Bands elsewhere in support of Val Chambers after they believe that she has been sacked.
Caz is later seen at Preston's 'surprise' 18th birthday party at the very end of the series.
- Caz has an unspecified disability, being primarily seen in a wheelchair and occasionally on crutches.
- Following the incident with getting paint in her hair, Caz dyes the front part of her hair a similar shade of pink to the paint. It is dyed lilac in Series 12, and by Series 13 she has dyed her whole hair a light auburn colour.
- "Has anyone got a pair of scissors?" (first line)
- "Miss, I'm not even bothered about my hair. What I'm bothered about is the fact we've got a white supremacist's name on our blazers, that is not OK."
- "I mean, I do agree with that, but the racist name had to go. And anyone who supports him, they're a racist too."
- Samia: "I can't go out there with a smile on my face knowing what they've all been saying about us."
- Caz: "Yes you can. Cos we're not doing this for them. We're doing this for us."
- "By the way, just to let you know, I do have metal on me!"
- Lindon: "Oh, hold on, hold on, hang on a second. It was 40 quid when I offered."
- Caz: "Well uh, your kind gesture encouraged people to dig deep, Sir."
- Noel: "OK, it's back to classes now, but stick around after school for more massive noise, massive sounds, massive tunes."
- Caz: "And a massive gob!"
- Amy: "Whoa! Caz, you've been busy. Are you still sticking with environmental law?"
- Millie: "Oh Miss, don't get her started, you know what she's like."
- Caz: "How else are we gonna save the rainforests, Miss?"
- "That is your reward for being such a good boy and coming to school every single day! Free pizza at the van, after school."
- Millie: "I don't know if I wanna go somewhere completely different for uni, or like, stay close to home."
- Caz: "Go. Get gone, that's what I say. Cos, I mean, you oly end up looking at the same faces if you stay round here."
- Preston: "Uh, some people like looking at this face, actually."