Carrie Norton arrived last-minute at Waterloo Road because Havelock High, where her mother wanted her to go, was full. She immediately captured Lenny Brown's affections, although she didn't realise he liked her at first. Lenny's sister Lisa took an immediate dislike to Carrie, and in Series 10 Episode 13, Lisa and her best friend Shaznay bully Carrie, pressuring her for geography exam answers.
Later in the same episode, a new graphics and product design teacher called Guy Braxton joins the school, and Carrie is seen to already know him. Lenny gets suspicious when he sees them alone together in Guy's classroom, and films them hugging on his phone. Headteacher Vaughan Fitzgerald catches Lenny watching the video, and when he sees the video, he and deputy head Lorna Hutchinson are thrown into a panic that they might have let a paedophile into the school, until Carrie's mother Steph Norton arrives and reveals that Guy is not a paedophile but is Carrie's brother. Guy is estranged from Steph due to punching his and Carrie's stepfather Terry, landing him in hospital and ultimately causing him to leave Steph. Guy and Carrie are thus only able to hang out at school.
Carrie later begins a relationship with Lenny.
In Series 10 Episode 15, during a science lesson supervised by Marco D'Olivera and Havelock teacher Colin Bond during a visit by Havelock students to Waterloo Road, Carrie is injured when Lisa causes a small explosion which throws sparks into Carrie's eyes.
Carrie's mother Steph supported the proposed merger of Waterloo Road with Havelock, but Carrie did not. Carrie is last seen in Series 10 Episode 20 among the students who give speeches to parents and council members talking about how Waterloo Road has helped them, and urging the cancellation of the merger.
- "Wow! Talk about before and after." (first line)
- "If I'm upset about anything, it's your cow of a sister!"
- Lenny: "He only started here today. How is it that yous two know each other?"
- Carrie: "We don't."
- Lenny: "Yeah you do, I-I'm-I'm not blind-"
- Carrie: "Stay out of my life, you weirdo!"
- "After Guy put our stepdad in hospital, he walked out. Mum made me change my mobile number, and when we moved, she wouldn't let me tell him where."
- Lenny: "I don't really know how to do all this."
- Carrie: "Do what?"
- Lenny: "The whole...boy-girl thing. Just forget it, it's just stupid..."
- Carrie: "Wait! It could be nice. Having someone to look out for me."
- Guy: "Yeah, but you obviously fancy him!"
- Carrie: "Actually, he's not my type, so that shows what you know."
- "You might have tried to blind me last week, but actually, all you've done is let me see what a complete cow you are."
- Carrie: "School's not going to be the same, though, is it, if the merger goes ahead? Just saying, I'd rather things stayed the way they are, I've learned loads from Waterloo Road! I'm happy here!"
- Guy: "Psht, forget that! Happy doesn't count, does it, Mum?"
- "It's not just about education. It's about the people you meet, and the friends you make, for life." (final line)