BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Bridget Morley was the secretary at Waterloo Road during Series 3. She served under Jack Rimmer until he resigned as Headteacher then Bridget was serving under Rachel Mason.

Bridget was friends with both Jack and Rachel during her time at Waterloo Road and was kind and caring towards students.


Bridget was announced to be rude by Karla Bentham for not knocking before entering Jack's office, when she gave him Karla's file.


  • It is mentioned in the series that Bridget is married, as she is referred to as 'Mrs Morley' by Nigel Hinchcliffe during the governors' meeting that results in Jack Rimmer's suspension, where she gave evidence that she was not aware of the school's financial situation. She apologised to Jack afterwards, saying she had been given no choice by the LEA.