BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Brian "Boz" Osbourne was a new student in Series 14.

Brian 'Boz' Osborne was a Year 11 pupil with a troubled past that left him with trust issues and behavioural problems, and he spent his childhood in foster homes.[1]

Boz shared a supported accommodation with bad boy Schuey Weever, and they formed a bond, but Schuey was in charge in the relationship. He showed unwavering loyalty towards his new friend, and they helped each other through life's challenges.[1]

Series 14[]

Throughout Series 14, Boz is primarily seen hanging out with Schuey and generally doing his bidding, graffitiing walls and bullying Billy Savage, as well as helping Schuey to steal bicycles, including one belonging to Dwayne Jackson.

In Series 14 Episode 5, Preston Walters catches Boz and Schuey messing with his bike and he rails at them, before punching Boz in the face after he and Schuey mock his bulimia and his cardiac arrest from Series 12.

Also during this episode, we begin to see a different side to Boz, as it becomes apparent that he is a more reluctant party in the bullying, looking particularly uncomfortable when Schuey physically assaults Billy. After the fight with Preston, Boz overhears Billy talking to his late mother on her answerphone, but doesn't bully him, instead saying that he knows Schuey can be out of order sometimes, and that Billy is supposed to be the smart one, "so stop making it so easy for him". But tragedy later strikes when Boz cycles full speed into a wire trap meant for Schuey, set up across the towpath by Billy, and is thrown off his bike and killed. Billy panics and phones his father, headteacher Steve Savage, who is stunned to discover Boz's body when he arrives on the scene. Steve orders Billy into his car and dumps Boz's body and bicycle into the canal to make his death look like an accident.

In the following episodes, Boz's body is discovered by the police, who are quick to work out that it was not an accident and open a murder investigation. Preston falls under suspicion when his fight with Boz comes to light, but Steve throws Schuey under the bus by planting evidence in his locker, and Schuey is arrested and remanded in custody.

Boz reappears as a hallucination in Billy's mind in Series 14 Episode 8 before the school memorial for him. When Schuey meets with Kim Treneman when he is framed for the murder, Schuey tells her that Boz was like family to him, second only to his sister Portia.

Ultimately, Billy and Steve confess and are arrested, and Schuey is freed.

