BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Bonnie Kincaid is first seen in Series 10 Episode 11, however she has always been a pupil at Waterloo Road, nicknamed 'Boring Bonnie'. Over the holidays, Bonnie has a makeover, determined to become someone in the school. This is where we meet her at the start of the second half of Series 10.

Series 10[]

Bonnie starts the new term as the new hot girl. Her makeover shocks Audrey McFall and is a nice surprise to Darren Hughes. Bonnie soon attracts the attention of Justin Fitzgerald and Scott Fairchild, whom she later sleeps with.

In Episode 13, Bonnie sleeps with Justin after she finds out and accidentally reveals to everyone that Kenzie Calhoun cannot read properly.

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Episode 14 is the school trip to the countryside. In the hotel, Kenzie witnesses Bonnie kiss both Justin and Scott, each without the other boy knowing. The next day, Bonnie is put into a group with Scott, Kenzie and Justin by Olga Fitzgerald, who lets them go off on their own to complete the work. During the events of the day, Kenzie reveals Bonnie's two-timing with Justin and Scott, who both lose their cool. In retaliation, Bonnie reveals Scott has been sleeping with Kenzie's mum. Bonnie then falls down a ravine during an argument with Scott, and is eventually rescued by Scott, Justin and Kenzie.

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Bonnie, Scott, Kenzie and Justin

At the end of the episode, Bonnie receives abusive texts from an anonymous pupil. During the next episode, Bonnie accuses many of her friends of being the culprit, including Rhiannon Salt, who she later starts a fight with in full view of the Havelock guests and Kenzie. Leo offers to help her with her bullying problem and blocks the abusive messages in Episode 16, however in Episode 17, a piece of paper with an abusive message is placed in her pocket, meaning the bullying continues.

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Bonnie and George

Bonnie finds graffiti on her locker saying 'Bitch' in Episode 18. Later, after Scott makes a remark about her in class, she attacks him, and George Windsor sends her to the Cooler. George later talks to Bonnie in the Cooler, and reveals he had a friend who went through a similar situation. This begins a friendship between the two. Bonnie later meets with headteacher Vaughan Fitzgerald in his office, who reveals that the offensive messages were sent from her own IP address, suggesting that Bonnie had faked the bullying. The next day, Bonnie refuses to go to class. After a heart-to-heart with Justin, she agrees to give him her phone so he can confront the bully. However, after George talks to her and questions this action, Bonnie and George catch Justin breaking into her locker. He is assumed to be the bully and George takes him to Vaughan to be disciplined. Moments later, the real bully is revealed to be Leo.

Bonnie confronts Justin in Episode 19, still believing him to be the culprit, however Kenzie later proves that it was in fact Leo. Bonnie thus confronts Leo in Episode 20, saying it is him that will live with it, not her.

She later helps prevent the merger with Havelock High and is last seen sharing a triumphant moment with George.


  • "It's me, Miss. Bonnie." (first line)

  • Bonnie: "You heard what that Kenzie Calhoun said. Who am I trying to kid?"
  • Rhiannon: "And what? You're gonna let some gobby little mare put you back in your box?"
  • Bonnie: "I thought I could pull it off, but I can't. Once a bore, always a bore."

  • "Really? Do you think I'm stupid, or something? I saw the way she touched you. I saw the way you touched her."

  • "My little brother struggled with his reading. He got a tablet too. But he's just in don't still...?"

  • Bonnie: "Last term I was a total Billy no mates. So I made a change, I am, back to square one."
  • Justin: "Whereas last term was such a highlight for me. Look, Kenzie'll come round. Or she won't. Either way, you've still got other friends."

  • Scott: "You little tramp!"
  • Bonnie: "Listen to you! You'd go with anything!"
  • Scott: "Filthy, two-faced-"
  • Bonnie: "Well, you went with her mum!"

  • "My knight in shining armour! I've not had any more problems since you helped me sort out all that computer security stuff."


  • "You think I've been bullying myself?!"

  • Bonnie: "Leo, what you did to me, I'll never forget, but I will try and forgive. You humiliated me, but I know that it's you that needs help."
  • Leo: "I never meant for it to get that far. It just happened, I wasn't thinking."
  • Bonnie: "Yeah, well, it's you that needs to live with that now, not me. I just want you to know, that I won't be beaten by you. I won't let my time at Waterloo Road be defined by what you did to me."
  • Leo: "I'm sorry."
  • Bonnie: "I thought that a bit of a makeover was gonna make me into a better person, and it didn't. And I shouldn't've wanted it to. I realise now that it's OK just to be me. I believe in myself."

  • "I was really badly bullied. But people here rallied round to help me, and, that really made a difference. So I don't blame the school. Or the person who did it to me. I'm a much better person now, and that's thanks to Waterloo Road." (final line)