BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Billie Taylor was a student at Waterloo Road who appeared in Series 6 Episode 12.

Billie is first introduced when school secretary Janeece Bryant goes round to her house to walk her to school. Janeece notices that Billie's mother, Laura, was acting as Billie's baby daughter Brooke's primary caregiver. Billie, who has become upset with this, confides in Janeece about how her mother won't let her care for Brooke.

Janeece decides to take matters into her own hands and tells Chris Mead (who was standing in for Karen Fisher) what is going on. Chris responds by warning Janeece not to stir up trouble.

Billie is next seen, due to Janeece's advice, confiding in Head of Pastoral Care Adanna Lawal. Adanna tells Billie that she can come to her if she has any other problems, but she thinks Laura is acting in both Billie and Brooke's best interests.

Billie, frustrated that nobody will listen to her, once again confides in Janeece. They head to Billie's house to confront her mum and to sort things out.

When they arrive, Laura drops the bombshell that she is planning to adopt Brooke due to her belief that Billie isn't coping.

Billie, enraged, attacks her mum, throwing her onto the sofa and repeatedly hitting her. Laura later confronts Chris Mead and plans to make a formal complaint against Janeece. When Chris asks Janeece about what had happened, Janeece lies and claims that Billie hadn't hit her mum, in order to protect her.

When Janeece is told to take Brooke to the crèche, Billie intervenes, telling Janeece that Brooke needs changing. Billie is next seen dangling Brooke over the stairs, repeatedly yelling about Brooke being hers and that nobody could take her away. With encouragement from Chris, Billie finally retreats and cries into her mum's arms.

It is revealed that Billie has been suffering from puerperal (postpartum) psychosis, which had been causing her to hear voices in her head and to act erratically. She is reassured that with the right treatment she will get better. Her mum assures her that she won't adopt Brooke and will give Billie all the help she needs.

Despite saying that she wants to stay at Waterloo Road, Billie isn't seen again.

Behind the scenes[]

Billie was played by Nadine Mulkerrin, best known for her role as Cleo McQueen on Hollyoaks.
