BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Concealed beneath the no-nonsense exterior of old-fashioned History teacher Audrey McFall is a lady with a razor-sharp wit and a wicked sense of humour.


Audrey gives off just the slightest hint that her formative years weren't quite as straight-laced as she is now. Often, people think she is just an interfering old lady who can't keep her nose out of anyone's business. But she does it in good will, trying her best to help people. She is also very lonely, so she takes comfort in the company of her much loved cat, Mitzi.

Series 8

Audrey first appears in Series 8 Episode 1, coming to Waterloo Road from nearby rival school Havelock High, whose stress-ridden head Gerard Findlay later threatens her in Series 8 Episode 5.

In the first part of Series 8, Audrey has a feud with Christine Mulgrew, but eventually the two become very close friends.

Audrey McFall young

A young Audrey back when she was at school

In Series 8 Episode 9, Audrey helps Rhiannon Salt with her self-esteem issues about her weight by showing her a photograph of herself when she was young, explaining that she herself used to be overweight due to spending her life comfort eating, and was relentlessly bullied at school, until she turned her life around with self-discipline and exercise, losing weight.

In Series 8 Episode 13, Audrey threatens Duncan Kilty, the owner of a local nightclub, after he tries to hire 17-year-old Dynasty Barry as a pole-dancer.

Between the second and third parts of Series 8, Audrey goes on a visit to Malawi in Africa with her church. While there, she meets Ndale Kayuni, and the two form a close friendship. In Series 8 Episode 21, Ndale comes to Waterloo Road as a surprise to Audrey and works as the school's handyman. Soon after, Ndale surprises Audrey by proposing to her, which she happily accepts.

However, Ndale also has an affair with Sonya Donnegan behind Audrey's back, until Sonya, feeling guilty for betraying Audrey, wants to tell her, but Ndale stops Sonya by revealing that he is only marrying Audrey so he can become a British citizen, and they continue their affair. Sonya's guilt ramps up however, after being made bridesmaid by an excited Audrey, and on Ndale and Audrey's wedding day, Sonya leaves a note on Audrey's whiteboard revealing the affair. Audrey, having previously been incredibly lonely, and fearing that she will not get a chance at love again at her age, chooses to go ahead with the wedding anyway, but Sonya finds a photo in Ndale's desk that reveals he has a secret family back in Malawi, and she bursts into the church right as the wedding is about to go ahead, and reveals everything about the secret family and the wedding being about his visa.

Ndale is then arrested for being an illegal immigrant, leaving Audrey heartbroken. She does eventually forgive Sonya.

Lorraine had plans to change Waterloo Road into a private school, and when Audrey decides to keep her job and Sonya stays on as the school secretary, they become the only remaining staff staying, as everyone doesn't want to be part of the new school operation. However, Lorraine's plan to change the school doesn't happen in the end, after she realises what she is doing is not the right thing to do, and all the staff stay except for Michael Byrne stepping down as head, with Christine taking over as the acting headteacher.

Series 9

In Series 9 Episode 1, twins Lenny and Lisa Brown arrive at Waterloo Road, and Audrey recognises them as former Havelock pupils. Audrey is shocked at their dishevelled and unwashed appearance compared to when she last saw them, and she pays a visit to their house, where she discovers that their older brother Larry is the only one looking after them, as their mother is seriously mentally ill. Audrey discovers Larry is growing a cannabis farm in their kitchen, and he accidentally knocks her unconscious when she tries to pick up her phone after he knocks it out of her hand. When she comes round, she asks for a glass of water, and when he goes to pour her a glass, she escapes the house and runs back to the school, where she calls the police.

Larry is arrested while trying to pick the twins up from school, and sent to prison. Lisa is furious with Audrey and launches a vendetta against her, starting by stealing Audrey's cat Mitzi, just after moving into the schoolhouse with Lenny. Lenny doesn't agree to it, but decides to go along with his sister. Audrey is frantic, she posts ads online for her beloved missing cat. Good-hearted Lenny eventually leaves Mitzi on Audrey's classroom desk for her to find.

Next, Lisa discovers Audrey has been going on a social network for over 50s looking for friends, and messages Audrey on the website pretending to be a married woman called Moira. She guilts Audrey into thinking her husband is ill and needs life-saving treatment, but with a hefty sum of money. Audrey realises what is going on, and that Lisa is scamming her. She continues the scam further until "Moira" asks for some money. She then confronts Lisa and they have an argument.

Not knowing what to do, Audrey calls Lenny and Lisa's grandfather Laurence Brown, a retired military officer. In Series 9 Episode 5, he arrives at Waterloo Road without warning and demands to see his grandchildren. He is told it has to go through social services, but Audrey lets him see the twins anyway. Laurence snaps at Lisa for catfishing Audrey, and then leaves. Soon after, he returns, and walks into Audrey's class in the lecture hall dressed in full formal military dress, with his medals. He tells army stories and wows all the children. He then gets a sharp pain in his chest while arguing with Lisa, and the class ends. Lenny is worried, but Lisa is angry. She steals Laurence's medals and sells them for £50, being ripped off by the pawnbroker. Out of rage, Lisa grabs money out of the till, bites the man and tries to run off, only to be pulled back and have her teacher called. When Audrey arrives, she pays for the medals and apologises to both the pawnbroker and Lisa. When they get back to school, Lenny asks to move in with his grandfather, only if Lisa will. Lisa hugs her grandfather and tells him he is too old for them to move in, but having a grandfather would be nice. He says they can visit any time they like. Lisa then apologises to Audrey, and is forgiven in return.

History Week

In Series 9 Episode 8, Audrey spearheads the school's living history week, wherein the staff dress in military uniform and the pupils dress in 1940s clothes, experiencing what life was like during the Second World War. Audrey takes the whole thing very seriously, acting as if they are all actually living in the war, to the point where her colleagues start thinking she has lost the plot.

In the second half of Series 9, Audrey leads protests against the deportation of Lula Tsibi, which ultimately fail and Lula is deported. Lula later video calls Audrey and Harley.

Series 10

In the first half of Series 10, Audrey joins a picket line off-screen, protesting against technology company WireData Systems's destruction of a local forest to build a laboratory. She also recognises escaped mental health unit patient Mandy Ruskin as a former Havelock pupil, who is later arrested and taken back to her mental health unit after holding Leo Fitzgerald hostage in his bathroom.

In the second half of Series 10, Audrey is shocked at the change in appearance of Bonnie Kincaid, who has given herself a makeover after having self-esteem issues.

Also during this series, Audrey writes an erotic novel called "The English Tutor" under the pen name "Nanette de Vallois", and makes the mistake of having a proof copy sent to the school, where it is stolen by pupils and ends up being read aloud over the school's tannoy.

When it looks like Waterloo Road is going to be closed and merged with Havelock, Audrey is offered the Head of History post at Havelock. It is assumed that Audrey stays on at Waterloo Road after the merger is stopped. Audrey is last seen toasting the late Grantly Budgen alongside Sonya and Maggie.


  • Audrey was the school's first known History teacher since Jack Rimmer.


  • "Audrey McFall. History." (first line)

  • "He's bright, very bright, but there's just a little too much playing to the gallery, if you know what I mean."

  • "You betcha. We all need a stiff drink after that first day. I'm buying."

  • Grantly: "I hope you're not insinuating that I'm involved."
  • Audrey: "I'm not insinuating at all. I'm openly accusing you."

  • "He's already here, and I wouldn't go near him with a barge pole if I were you. Gerard and stress are not a good mix."

  • Audrey: "Stuff the kids, as long as you come out on top?"
  • Gerard: "I beg your pardon?"
  • Audrey: "You have made Liberty Gordon feel as if she has nothing to offer except her running. You have crushed that girl's self-esteem!"

  • "Daniel. As Tariq's so fond of saying, you need to grow a pair."

  • "Freegans? Do they not rootle about in bins and knit their own yoghurts?"

  • "In all my years of teaching, I have never are a very ill-mannered woman."

  • Connor: "That's my mother you're talking about."
  • Audrey: "And a fine example she's setting you, I can see where you get your tendency to vent your spleen."

  • "The Barrys. Father in prison for armed robbery, kids following in his footsteps, one of them assaulted a teacher at Havelock, two of them were expelled. Positive enough for you, Mr Clarkson?"

  • Audrey: "The thing is, you've already had a problem with the local press, I believe? Now, I wonder how they'd take to you poaching schoolgirls?"
  • Duncan Kilty: "Are you threatening me?"
  • Audrey: "Oh, absolutely. Come after my girls, and I'll take you to the cleaners. Do I make myself clear?"

  • "I myself am going to Africa for the break. Church trip - to Malawi!"

  • "Oh, Sonya. You've really had a day of it, haven't you? But you know, if you just flounce off to make a point, I think you've given in. We're all different in this life. We've all got our own flaws. As long as you're honest, and kind - which you are, my dear - then you've nothing to fear."

  • "I know when Ndale first arrived at Waterloo Road, there were a few raised eyebrows at our...close friendship. Well, I'm delighted to announce we're engaged to be married!"

  • "I know what you're all thinking. That I'm preying on a younger man, making an old fool of myself."

  • Audrey: "Think what you're saying, Sonya, you're supposed to be my bridesmaid!"
  • Sonya: "You needed to know."
  • Audrey: "ON MY WEDDING DAY?!"

  • "It's so easy for you, isn't it? You're young, relatively speaking. Attractive. Men are drawn to you. Well, men are not drawn to me. They never have been, even when I was young I wasn't a beauty queen. And I am - I know I am - something of a cold fish. Which means I have been alone for a long time. I'm not stupid, Christine, I know Ndale doesn't love me. Not in the way you think he should, anyway."

  • Tom: "I tell you what, I'll do you a deal. If you haven't been snapped up in five years, I'll marry you."
  • Audrey: "Don't think that would work, Tom."
  • Tom: "Why not?"
  • Audrey: "I'm too much woman for you."

  • Audrey: "You really are an overbearing bully, aren't you?"
  • George: "I haven't got time for this."
  • Audrey: "It's your wife I feel sorry for. Poor thing. She must be either a saint or she's stupid."

  • Audrey: "Lenny wasn't well, and he's better now that he's had something to eat, and he was telling me all about you and how well you look after him and Lisa. But what's happening here, it can't go on. I think you are aware of that."
  • Larry: "I'm aware you're a nosy old cow!"

  • Laurence: "Laurence Brown, Regimental Sergeant Major retired, at your service."
  • Audrey: "What are you doing here? I asked you to telephone me, you-you can't just turn up!"

  • "You're right! I must be mad. I should've gone to Mrs Mulgrew the minute I found out about that despicable scam of yours - Moira!"

  • Audrey: "Everyone, I have some terrible news. HMS Victoria, which was crossing the Atlantic with our food supplies, has been torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat."
  • Maggie: "She has completely lost the plot."

  • "It is things like this that makes teaching worthwhile. But the really hard work starts now!" (to Lula when she gets a conditional university offer)

  • "Oh, there will be history, Lenny. But we will be making it, not studying it. Prepare for battle!"

  • "Well, in that case, Floyd, let me introduce you to the Cooler! Four doors down, on your right, off you go."

  • "Don't laugh at poor Darren, everybody, he's very young for his age! We should feel sorry for him and his silly, immature innuendos."

  • Audrey: "I've been on the WireData picket line, and it's perfectly obvious whose side the police are on. Look, look. They are bulldozing ancient trees as we speak. Turning beautiful forest into their research laboratories and car parks, and you're all sitting here doing nothing about it!"
  • Vaughan: "Yes, thank you, Audrey, I think we all know-"
  • Audrey: "Do none of you care about the crested tit? It could become the dodo of its day!"

  • "You were right! She was at Havelock, her name is not Mandy McDonald, it's Mandy Ruskin. And it was the headbutting which rang a bell with me - she was no model pupil, she and another girl were involved in an incident, a prank that went wrong, when a pupil fell through a warehouse roof."

  • "Bonnie Kincaid? Good grief, what's happened to you?"

  • "I discovered a lump once. It worried me sick for weeks, turned out to be absolutely nothing."

  • "Would you be referring to a novel entitled "The English Tutor", by any chance?"

  • "What, us or the handsome Mr Braxton? I think that's what's called a no-brainer!"

  • "I'll do no such thing! I'm joining them! It's like 1968 all over again! Save our school! Save our school!"

  • "To Grantly." (final line)