BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Archie Wong is a former pupil at Waterloo Road. We first see Archie in Series 9 Episode 1 when he was joined by new pupils Darren HughesShaznay MontroseLenny Brown and Lisa Brown.

A native Mandarin speaker, it appears that Archie helps Foreign Languages Teacher George Windsor with his Mandarin more than George helps the other pupils with theirs; in fact, George ends up paying Archie to teach him.


  • "Hello." (first line)

  • Archie: "Mr Windsor's great."
  • Christine: "Really?"
  • Archie: "He'd be popular in China. He's a wonderful orator. He's got the gift of making people listen, even though he's not saying very much."
  • Christine: "Yes,'s his Mandarin?"
  • Archie: "Not so great. But he's very funny!"

  • Archie: "Well, I'm open to negotiation. It's £35 for half an hour and 70 for a full."
  • George: "Okay."
  • Archie: "Great. I'll see you in class, sir."

  • "It's just vocabulary, sir. No-one's going to believe you're fluent in Mandarin if you can't pronounce it properly."

  • Archie: "Welcome to Waterloo Road, Mrs Windsor. Our school motto is 'Ex Nihilo Omnia'. It means 'Everything from Nothing'."
  • Marjorie: "How delightful! What a well-behaved class!"
  • Archie: "Well, we're only as good as our teacher, Miss."

  • Archie: "Yeah, we're not all saddos!"
  • Shaznay: "Bet yous all looked at the picture though!"
  • Archie: "Why would I wanna look at pictures of you?"

  • "So you've climbed in the Alps?" (final line)