Andrew Treneman is an English teacher and the former deputy headteacher of Waterloo Road Comprehensive School. He is well educated and believes everyone should go to university. He teaches English and joins the school as deputy head after leaving his old job as Head of English at a local grammar school.
Andrew resigns from Waterloo Road to become an Education Leader and Headteacher at Batalla High School in Rwanda.
In Series 12, Andrew returns, revealing he is now the headteacher of St Henry's School in Salford. He is also the 'Schools against Knife Crime' representative.
By Series 13, he has become CEO of Lowry Community Academies academy trust, overseeing six schools (seven after Waterloo Road High School joins).
In Series 14, Andrew has resigned as CEO and is travelling with his now wife, Kim Campbell.
His well-educated, 'snobby' accent and his strict teaching methods get up the noses of some of his new pupils, and his importing of 'right-wing' management strategies from his public school also make him a few enemies amongst his colleagues - most notably Grantly Budgen. But he has a steely determination that no matter what, he is going to make a difference - something that new sponsor governor Roger Aspinall admires. He cares deeply about the welfare and education of the students, and is said to want to see every student get the education he had received in his life.
Series 1[]
On his first day at Waterloo Road, Andrew calls the police on pupil Donte Charles when he sees him stealing another kid's bus pass, leading to Donte being arrested. Later, in his English class, he confiscates Donte's mobile phone, which he was using in class to contact his father. Donte's father, Clarence Charles, hears the commotion over the phone and comes into school demanding that Andrew return the phone. When Andrew refuses, he is assaulted by Clarence, who later has to make an apology in front of the school to avoid being charged with assault.
Series 2[]
Andrew is made acting headmaster by Roger Aspinall in Series 2, but Andrew, thinking Roger's rules are too harsh and feeling guilty for taking Jack Rimmer's job, soon stands down. Jack takes up the headship and Andrew reverts to deputy head.
Andrew's social life has been on hold for a long time. He may well have fallen too deeply in love too young and been badly hurt by eventual rejection. He keeps that part of his life buried. Andrew becomes infatuated with fellow worker Kim Campbell, and is briefly known to have been involved with English teacher Lorna Dickey, until his true feelings for Kim are revealed.
Disillusioned by Jack's questionable fundraising efforts, Andrew takes up an offer to join a school in Rwanda, and takes Kim with him.
Series 4[]
At the start of Series 3, Grantly Budgen states that both Andrew and Kim are on "sabbatical", suggesting that they would both eventually make a return. Kim makes a return in Series 4 Episode 11, with a baby in tow, stating that Andrew is still in Rwanda, and whilst talking to Tom Clarkson, says that they never became closer than friends. The staff quickly decipher that the baby, Grace, cannot be Andrew's as she is not mixed race.
Andrew returns to visit Waterloo Road's charity event in Series 4 Episode 19 as a representative for his school in Rwanda. Janeece Bryant hugs him on arrival as the two of them were shown to have a good relationship in Series 1 and 2. Andrew finds it hard to condone what Kim has done and Kim, assuming Andrew was involved in Grace being taken, attacks him in the school corridor. This is a juicy piece of gossip for the newshawks surrounding the comprehensive, but Andrew and Kim make up and share a romantic kiss at the end of the episode.
The following episode shows that Andrew has been staying with Kim, rather than at his hotel as he mentioned previously, and that his flight to Rwanda is at midday on the last day of term, so he will be departing when Kim is at the Northwest Schools Choir Competition. Kim is seen looking at Big Ben at five minutes to midday, and Andrew is seen at departure in front of a clock as it turns 12. As Waterloo Road are announced the winners of the competition, Andrew steps in to the space beside Kim who turns around to see him. He tells her he just couldn't leave and they share a kiss. They are later seen in the crowd of pupils and staff outside the semi-demolished school building, not chanting 'Waterloo Road' along with them, but Kim looking proud and Andrew seeming thoughtful.
Series 12[]
Andrew arrives at Waterloo Road High School in Series 12 Episode 1 as the 'Schools against Knife Crime' representative following Danny Lewis stabbing Vinny McCullen. Andrew apologises to Kim for leaving suddenly to return to Rwanda following the staff party which took place off-screen following the events of Series 4 Episode 20. It is explained that after returning from Rwanda, Andrew became headteacher of St Henry's School in Salford. Kim criticises Andrew for not staying in touch.
Throughout Series 12 the two of them start to repair their relationship and become friends. He offers Kim and the rest of the school support following the death of Danny Lewis.
Series 13[]
Andrew and Kim are shown to be back together following the tragic events of Series 12. It is also revealed that Andrew is CEO of Lowry Community Academies academy trust, overseeing six local schools. Andrew tries to persuade Kim to have Waterloo Road High School become an academy and join the trust, as she struggles with managing the school and her workload. Kim is reluctant but Andrew promises her that she will have his complete support.
In Series 13 Episode 2, Andrew suddenly ends his relationship with Kim leaving her shocked and devastated. This revelation makes Kim paranoid that Andrew and the academy trust will suspend her for poor school leadership. Andrew later returns to the school and tries to talk to Kim but ends up keeling over in pain. He reveals to her that he has been diagnosed with stage 2 bowel cancer. He explains that he ended their relationship as he didn't want to put Kim through more suffering following Dexter's death.
Throughout Series 13, Kim does her best to juggle her head duties whilst supporting Andrew through his chemotherapy. During inset day, when the staff of Waterloo Road are attending teacher training sessions at St Clements Academy, Andrew collapses due to dehydration from his treatment. He promises Kim that he will stop pushing himself so much.
Kim later confides in Andrew her fear of losing him, explaining that she can't cope with more loss. Andrew comforts her, assuring her that it's okay for her to show her emotions.
Following an English class, Andrew quits his job as CEO and - with Kelly Jo and Samia's support - he proposes to Kim, who accepts. The two of them plan to go on a road trip ending with getting married in Las Vegas.
Series 14[]
In Series 14 Episode 1, Joe Casey mentions that Kim has left the school, and that she and Andrew got married and are travelling. In Series 14 Episode 8, Kim visits the school, revealing that she is pregnant with his child. Andrew makes his only appearance of Series 14 when he picks up Kim at the school gates. He jokes that she can't seem to help herself when it comes to the school.
- "Uh, Deputy Headship." (first line)
- "Mr Budgen, You looking for your class?"
- "I've just about had enough of your holier-than-thou attitude. Wouldn't it be nice to be you, just standing on the sidelines carping. Some of us actually try. That's the difference between you and me." (to Kim Campbell, in Series 2 Episode 2)
- (During Lorna's memorial) Andrew: "Jack, you have to stop this, Stop it, this is enough!"
- Jerry: "You are interrupting a dialogue with the Lord!"
- Andrew: "Then let him strike me down! (pause) ... didn't think so. This is a school. It may just seem like flaking paint and crumbling cement, but believe me, its value goes way beyond that. Here you are given the freedom to investigate things you don't understand. You're encouraged to argue with things you disagree with. You can tell a teacher to their face you think they're wrong. Ask Brett Aspinall - he does it every day."
- Jerry: "I want to open minds! There's another way of looking at things, a way that doesn't have gigantic holes in its theory. All I'm saying is check out the alternatives."
- Andrew: "I admire Mr Preston to some extent. He's a motivated man, very sure of himself. But he's a fundamentalist - he'd admit to that himself. But fundamentalism has no place in schools. Especially in those who run and fund them. It leads to the burning of books by small minded and ignorant people."
- Jerry: "Well you're the one who believes that people are evolved from apes, aren't you, Mr Treneman, hmm? I mean, apes are people? How does that make you feel folks?"
- Andrew: "Actually, it's the other way around. People are apes. Although most of us are a little less hairy and a little more intelligent. Lorna... we know how hilarious you'd find it that a man who believes that Noah and his Ark actually existed should be standing here at your memorial service, and how outraged you'd be that he's trying to warp minds and condemn you for the tragedy of your untimely death. We know you are resting in peace, as one day we all will."
- Andrew: "Can I have your attention, class? This is what's known as a thug."
- Clarence Charles: "You what? You-" [Clarence punches Andrew]
- Andrew: "Now you know why his son is a bully and a thief!"
- Andrew: "Have you heard of Mark Twain?"
- Janeece: "Is he at this school?"
- Andrew: "Sir. He once said, 'it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.' You can spend your lunchtime in the library to look up when he lived and what he was famous for."
- "This time tomorrow I'll be in Rwanda. I want you there with me. Call me and tell me you're coming." (final line of his first stint)
- "Very nice to meet you both." (to Rachel Mason and Eddie Lawson, first line upon his guest return in Series 4)
- "Just couldn't do it." (final line of his guest stint in Series 4)
- "Kim." (first line upon his return in Series 12)
- "I'm sensing hostility." (to Kim following his return in Series 12).
- Andrew: "Yeah. Took me back a good few years. When we used to work together."
- Kim: "No, we were never that bad."
- Andrew: "Grantly and Steph were higher up your Christmas card list than me."
- "When the power comes back on, play a banger. Britpop, K-pop, hip-hop - play it loud!"
- "You couldn't possibly have known. You couldn't possibly have known!" (to Kim, when she has a panic attack after Danny's death)
- Andrew: "She didn't see us."
- Kim: "No. No, no, she definitely didn't. You know she did though, don't you?"
- "OK. Since it's the last few minutes, and with any luck, I'll never have to teach any of you ever again! What gets me up in the morning? OK, um...the top of a hill I haven't climbed yet. Chilli so hot I can barely eat it. My friends. Dickens. Ravel's violin sonatas. Madonna's Like a Prayer. Beaches. Sunshine. Miss Campbell's smile." (to Year 11 class including Samia and Kelly Jo, discussing their favourite things in life after he reveals to them he has cancer)
- Andrew: "I haven't quite finished Vegas yet."
- Kim: "What's so special about Vegas?"
- Andrew: It's where I'm hoping Elvis will marry us."
- "You just can't help yourself when it comes to this place, can you? What happened?" (last line of guest appearance in Series 14)