Amy Spratt is an early career teacher (ECT) of English and Drama at Waterloo Road High School.
Series 11[]
Amy Spratt arrives at Waterloo Road High School as a new early career teacher, her first day consisted of treating Chlo Charles after she was involved in a car accident, and getting to grips with being a newly-qualified teacher.
When Chlo dies unexpectedly from a head injury following a car crash, Amy begins to worry that she played a part in her death by not taking her injury more seriously despite advocating for her to get an X-ray at the hospital when she treated her. Alongside Jamilah Omar she checks on Donte Charles after bringing Izzy and Tommy back from school and he admonishes her for not doing more, saying Chlo might still be alive if she had taken the situation more seriously. When Izzy comes back to school Amy volunteers to be her point of contact if she needs to discuss anything, but Izzy finds her overbearing. Her Head of Department, Coral Walker, questions if Amy offered to do it to help Izzy or to make herself feel less guilty, though this and all of the similar belittling comments Coral keeps making towards Amy at the start of Series 11 are just Coral projecting to hide her own guilt at being the true cause of Chlo's death due to being the one that caused the car crash. Amy and Coral eventually become friends after the truth is revealed.
In Series 11 Episode 4, Amy hosts a mindfulness workshop for Year 11 and is surprised when her old roommate from university, Fred, turns out to be the one delivering the session. Through out the episode, it is hinted that Fred used to treat her horribly when she knew him, and she realises he hasn't changed when he makes Kelly Jo Rafferty fly off the handle by making horrible comments towards her as well. After sending Fred packing, Amy manages to calm Kelly Jo down, and after being inspired by Donte mentioning his son Tommy having ADHD, Amy and the school organise an ADHD assessment for Kelly Jo.
Series 12[]
In Series 12, colleague Neil Guthrie gives Amy driving lessons. Also during this series, Amy develops a crush on Donte, and after Neil advises her to go for it, Amy visit Donte's house where they get drunk and have a great time hanging out, until they accidentally kiss. Amy gets the wrong end of the stick and thinks Donte likes her back. Nicky Walters knocks on the door and Donte answers, but Nicky swiftly leaves when she realises that Donte has company after seeing Amy's handbag on the floor. Donte then goes upstairs and finds Amy naked in his bed and tells her to leave, leaving her mortified.
At school the next episode, Donte helps her set up the microphones for the school's upcoming poetry show and she wears one to test it. They then leave the classroom to talk about what happened in the previous episode, unwittingly broadcasting all the gory details over the mic for all the pupils in the class to hear, including Donte's daughter Izzy, who is upset.
Series 13[]
In Series 13, a horde of new pupils arrive at the school and Amy organises a mentoring scheme for the existing older pupils to mentor the younger of the new pupils, but it ends poorly after Preston and his mentee Mog trade jibes and Amy winds up accidentally smashing a glass display cabinet.
Also during this series, Amy's lodger Neil's daughter Libby unexpectedly arrives from New Zealand and conspires to manipulate Neil into kicking Amy out, but she only succeeds in having Amy move into the spare room to give Libby her old bedroom back.
Later in the series, Amy comes up against a foe in errant new pupil Schuey Weever after she drives through a puddle and accidentally splashes him as he is walking to school. He is furious and later steals her car keys, which he uses to key her brand new car after letting the air out of one of the tyres. When she confronts him about it, he turns nasty and threatens to do something to her when she is "walking home through the park". Amy snaps and gets in his face saying "you don't scare me, little man" while waggling her pinky finger at him in a crude gesture. Libby secretly films this and posts the video, and it goes viral, almost costing Amy her job. Amy realises that it was Libby who posted it when she clocks Libby's shoes at the end of the clip, but when she confronts her about it, Libby smarms her way out of trouble by claiming that she posted it because she thought that it was "brilliant", calling Amy a "feminist icon".
During inset day when the teachers go to St Clements Academy for teacher training sessions, Coral asks Amy if she accessed Chlo's charity account after money is stolen from it, and Amy is offended at being accused. When Libby later throws herself down the stairs and claims that Coral pushed her in order to stop Coral from revealing that it was Libby that stole the charity money, Amy exposes Libby's web of lies when she shows Neil a plagiarised essay of Libby's from English class that Libby had sat and barefaced lied about having "worked really hard" on, pointing out how easily she lies.
Series 14[]
In Series 14 Episode 1, Amy is struggling financially, fearing that she has to sell her car after her car insurance goes up. Joe offers to bump up her salary with a TLR payment, but she accidentally lets this slip to the rest of the staff, who confront Joe. He attempts to offer them all TLR payments, but later has to tell them that it is not possible for anyone as the school is already way over budget. Nisha Chandra agrees to buy Amy's car after bumping a few hundred off of the asking price.
When Joe gets stuck in a lift, Amy is the only one who sympathises and agrees to call Donte, as the rest of the staff refuse as they have all fallen out with Joe over the TLRs and the tiny cupboard of a staffroom that they have been lumbered with.
In Episode 4, Val resigns after falling out with new headteacher Steve Savage over his stance on music theory exams. Steve asks Amy to step in to run that evening's Battle of the Bands, and after she catches the students smuggling several musical instruments and equipment out of the music block and they tell her they are changing the Battle of the Bands venue to the local park in solidarity with Val so that she can attend as they believe that she has been sacked, Amy tells them that a mate of hers who owes her a favour runs a local youth centre, and they hold the Battle of the Bands there. Amy later arranges for Kelly Jo to start volunteer work at the youth centre.
In Episode 6, Amy starts a new student choir at the school, which Libby Guthrie joins. Libby's boyfriend Jared Jones later also joins in an attempt to make amends with Libby after upsetting her by laughing along with some girls who were mocking her for being in the choir.
Series 15[]
- Amy is St John's Ambulance First Aid Trained.
- Amy lodged with university students before moving in with Neil Guthrie.
- "I - uh - I was - I was tryna stop it hitting that kid." (first line)
- "Right. I'm Miss Spratt. And there's nothing you can say that I haven't heard before, so, knock yourselves out."
- "Nothing is real with you, is it? You use people, Fred. All you ever did was-was keep me small and make me run around after you, you called me names, you put me down, you-you made me question everything, and I'd always be the one apologising!"
- "Listen to me. My first day at teacher training, I almost didn't turn up. I got lost round campus, I squirted ketchup on my new top. I showed up, I was crying, and I just thought, 'Oh god, I can't, I can't do it, I can't do this'. Cos my self-esteem was on the floor. Let's just say I had a lot of negative feedback. You know what I'm talking about. If you hear enough bad things, you start to believe them, right? I had to build myself back up, and that takes time. And I'm not there yet. Kelly Jo, regardless of what happens in there, you need to hear this. You are fiery, and bright, and a kind girl who's just struggling, that's all-"
- Amy: "You can take me somewhere super posh to say thanks."
- Donte: "Oh really? You do know posh for me is like putting red sauce in your bacon butty, don't you?"
- Amy: "Oh, you're like Bridgerton, you!"
- "No, let me. There'll be something in here. A woman's handbag is like the TARDIS."
- Amy: "Why is it always me?"
- Coral: "We've all made fools of ourselves over men."
- Amy: "Yeah, not like that! Won't be able to show my face in front of a class again. Career's over."
- "Moving in with third-year students is the worst mistake I've ever made. 2am, tunes blazing. I was literally climbing over bodies this morning. I've had about three hours' kip!"
- "Truth sober's the truth drunk, Neil."
- "Is it just Libby winding you up? Cos I find that hard to believe. Even if she does have a resting bitch face. Officially did not say that."
- "Oi! Bigger men than you have tried and failed to shut me up. You don't scare me, little man."
- "I'm just hurt that you would think that of me. D'you know, if this place has got a management structure where the heads of department are held accountable for the way that they treat their staff, then, might not be a bad thing."
- Amy: "You're losing all respect! You've already lost a roommate and a girlfriend. And I get it, yeah, you're-you're terrified of upsetting her in case she jumps on the next flight back to New Zealand, but she has got you exactly where she wants you!"
- Neil: "I do not need you telling me how to raise my daughter, thank you."
- Amy: "Maybe you do. Maybe you really do. She's bouncing herself all over the place from one side of the globe to the other, trying to get somebody to parent her! Stop trying to be this dad that she wants, and be the dad that she needs!"
- "No - not the staffroom. My car insurance is up by like 400 quid, it's almost as much as the flaming car."
- "Pen? Wow. Schumacher Weever arrives with pen, shock horror. Get to lessons."
- Portia: "No. They're not together."
- Amy: "Oh, hang on, I didn't mean...I have been watching too much Love Island."