Amy Porter was a pupil at Waterloo Road.
She was portrayed by Ayesha Gwilt (also known as Nisa Cole).
Amy came from John Fosters, the local private school that was forced to shut down and merge with Waterloo Road at the start of Series 5. She was the best friend of Siobhan Mailey and the girlfriend of Finn Sharkey before he was with Sambuca Kelly.
She has argued with the likes of Sambuca, Lauren Andrews and Michaela White. She also became heavily embroiled in the girl gang culture and was a lead antagonist in the violence that followed.
She and Finn constantly got into trouble together; at one point, Amy defaced a painting in an art gallery to prove her love for Finn.
Following this, the staff decide to keep Amy and Finn separate at school. They react badly to this and make a suicide pact, but they are stopped by Chris as they attempt to walk into the sea at the beach at the end of Series 5. By Series 6, they are no longer together.
Amy got into several fights with the Waterloo Road pupils and became a member of the girl gangs. She tried to make Michaela jealous by kissing Bolton Smilie in the girls' toilets; however, it goes badly wrong and Amy later accuses Bolton of attempted rape. She eventually told the truth, but Michaela and Bolton break up.
She also roped new teacher Helen Hopewell into giving her money in order to pass her inspection. She agrees to do so, but when Amy asks again, she is turned down. Angry at being turned down, she reports Helen to Rachel and Helen later leaves the school.
In Series 6, Amy enjoyed a quieter year at Waterloo Road, growing closer to Lauren Andrews after she and Sambuca drifted apart. The two of them became good friends; however, she still disliked Sambuca and Lauren would have to act as a wall between them.
When Amy convinced Lauren of planting drugs on Sambuca, Lauren agreed as she thought Sambuca had betrayed them. The truth eventually comes out, but Sambuca still decides to leave. When Sambuca returns, she is still hoping to get revenge on Amy for what happened. She plants Karen Fisher's phone (that Harry had earlier taken) in Amy's bag, causing Amy to get in trouble. Sambuca later told the truth to Amy and apologised. Amy also apologised for what she did and they make amends with each other.
In Series 7, Amy, Sam and Lauren are shown to be all friends. Amy struggles with Sambuca's diagnosis of terminal brain cancer. She later left the series when her mother got a new job in Yorkshire.
Amy is a rebellious young woman. She can be harsh with other people; she shows this with Sambuca Kelly.
She is a natural leader with a rebellious streak and loves the drama of confrontation. There isn't a cause Amy won’t adopt, nor will she miss an opportunity to take offence.
- "Yeah, cos she's not up to the job." (first line)
- Amy: "Hi, Bolton."
- Bolton: "Here, what's going on?"
- Amy: "What you dream about, isn't it?" (Amy attempting to seduce Bolton)
- Amy: "I just wanted to get back at him cos he didn't wanna go out with me."
- Kim: "So you accused him of raping you?"
- Amy: "I was angry. He called me a slag, and I'm not a slag."
- Rachel: "Amy. Amy? Have you seen Lindsay?"
- Amy: "No. What, am I supposed to be bullying her as well now?"
- Amy: "Once, there was this teacher, called Helen Hopewell. And she was proper rubbish, and she knew it. And on the day of her inspection she woke up totally bricking it."
- Siobhan: "Don't, Amy."
- Amy: "Cos you know you can't even control a bunch of kids on your own."
- "D'you know how pathetic you sound? 'I liked school, I thought it'd be nice', you're like a little kid! How d'you think anyone would ever respect you?! It was never gonna work, Helen. You should've realised that from the start. You see, you've gotta be an adult to be a teacher. And you, Helen? You're just a sad little no-one without a clue."
- Finn: "You look like you're new, an' all."
- Amy: "Who are you?"
- Finn: "The new boy. Finn."
- Amy: "Finn? What kind of a name's that?"
- Finn: "Irish, or something."
- "I'll never leave you, Finn!"
- Finn: "I think it's brilliant, me!"
- Amy: "It's us, Finn, can you see?" (after vandalising a painting at the art gallery)
- Amy: "I can't do it, Finn, I can't!" (after Chris convinces her to back out of the suicide pact with Finn)
- Lauren: "Is it strong, then?"
- Amy: "Yeah, one joint and you'll be totally baked."
- "Oh, how's that brother of yours holding up, Ruth? Got off with any more teachers lately?"
- "Yeah, we know that, nan had cancer and she died!"
- "I'll have you, Foley! Starting on my mum as well? You're sick!"
- "Save our head! Save our school!" (final audible line, chanted repeatedly alongside the rest of the school)