BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Allie Westbrook serves as the true anti-hero of the first half of Series 10. She joins Waterloo Road as the new Head of Art. She arrives at the school with partner and new headteacher Vaughan Fitzgerald, and her children Floyd and Tiffany.

Allie later left Waterloo Road at the end of the term when her relationship with Vaughan became too complicated. Both needed to take care of their respective families.


Allie is a committed and capable teacher. Passionate about art, she's the kind of cool teacher the students can relate to. Allie and Vaughan met as teachers at their last school. They began an affair, which led to Vaughan leaving his wife and sons to be with Allie. She's very close to her children Floyd and Tiffany, and the move to Waterloo Road is a new start for all of them. Her relationship with Vaughan soon comes under strain from the amount of resentment and bitterness felt by his eldest son, Justin, and the animosity and suspicion she treats him with as a result.

Series 10 Autumn Term

Allie has a rough start to her short time at Waterloo Road. On her first day, Vaughan's estranged wife, Olga, turns up at the school with their two sons Justin and Leo. Later that day, Justin starts a fight with Allie's son Floyd, beginning a feud between them. Later, at their house, Justin accidentally slams a door into Allie's head, and she later tells Vaughan she walked into a wardrobe door.

In Series 10 Episode 2, Allie hears complaint after complaint about the boys' behaviour and asks Simon Lowsley to arrange a mediation between them, which inevitably fails and leads to Justin throwing a tin at George Windsor's head. George later resigns, and warns Vaughan and Allie that Justin will only get worse.

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Allie later has the idea of a virtual baby scheme to prevent underage sex at the school. She implements this new strategy in Episode 3, and spends a lot of time with Rhiannon Salt and Shaznay Montrose, teaching them about mothering a baby. After Justin smashes one of the virtual babies, Allie goes to Vaughan for comfort and ends up telling him about Justin hitting her head with the door on the first day. Vaughan then angrily confronts Justin over this and puts him into isolation.

In Series 10 Episode 7, Tiffany tells Allie that her and Justin have been sleeping together. Allie begs Justin to break it off, but he refuses. Allie and Vaughan try to come up with strategies to keep Allie and Justin apart, but they know they will still find ways to see each other. Allie suggests that Vaughan sends Justin to boarding school.

In Series 10 Episode 8, Vaughan and Allie have reached a decision to send Justin to boarding school. Unbeknownst to them, Justin and Tiffany plan to run away together. Tiffany, however, is unsure, and when they leave, she secretly sends her mum frantic texts saying where to find her. Allie finds Tiffany and drives her home, leaving Justin alone by the side of the road. Allie is furious when Vaughan decides that he can't bear to send Justin away to boarding school.

In Series 10 Episode 10, things reach breaking point when Allie shows Justin Tiffany's frantic texts, exclaiming that Tiffany didn't want to be with him. A devastated Justin punches Allie in the face in frustration. Vaughan takes Justin to the police saying that Allie wants to press charges. After Justin tries to blow up the school using a lighter and a gas canister, Allie realises that things aren't going to work. Vaughan and Allie split up on mutual grounds as they decide that they have to put their children first.

Allie is last seen leaving in a taxi along with Floyd and Tiffany. None of them are seen again.

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Allie and Tiffany

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Allie, Vaughan, Justin and Leo

December 2013 photo by tom stevenson 20131216 1302178934

Filming, December 2013


  • "Absolutely, you are one sexy headteacher." (first line, spoken to Vaughan)

  • Shaznay: "Yeah, and aren't teachers supposed to teach us good manners?"
  • Allie: "You're absolutely right, um...?"
  • Shaznay: "Shaznay."
  • Allie: "Shaznay. In fact, from now on you can be 'Manners Monitor', keep us all in line, eh?"

  • "We are gonna try our best to make this work for all of you, but you've got to get on board, Justin. Behaving like this, it could ruin things for both families, and I don't believe that's what you want."

  • "I think it's probably best if we stay close to home until things calm down. Or we hire a lion tamer."

  • "Whatever you do, Justin, it's not gonna work, your dad and I love each other!"

  • "If you think you're gonna drive a wedge between me and Vaughan, you're the one who's deluded, mate."

  • Vaughan: "What in the name of god are they?"
  • Allie: "Virtual babies...for the schoolhouse kids. Apparently, they're supposed to be really effective, the best way to teach young people what it's like to have a real baby to look after."
  • Vaughan: "Ms Westbrook, you are some kind of genius, and you keep reminding me why I fell in love with you."

  • "I take it you've paid every bill since she's been in there? That's thousands of pounds on aromatherapy massages, and reiki healing. While we've been struggling by squashed into that stupid house!"

  • "I've just found out that Justin and Tiffany...are having sex."

  • Justin: "How did you know where we were?"
  • Allie: "I worked it out!"

  • Lisa: "You should've told us about the thousand quid before, Miss!"
  • Allie: "Why, would you've actually made an effort? Maybe even created something you could be proud of?"

  • "You suffocated her, that's why I took her away. She didn't wanna run off with you, she didn't wanna be with you!"

  • "No. It's not a home any more, is it? Home's where you feel safe and secure. I'm not taking my kids back there."

  • "And it doesn't mean I don't love you." (final line)