BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Aleesha Dillon is a former pupil of Waterloo Road.

She was portrayed by Lauren Thomas.

Series 3

Aleesha and her best friend, Danielle Harker are first introduced as smart pupils whose parents have been bribed by Jack Rimmer into attending the school.

She is shown to be a talented singer and auditions for the lead role in the school musical, "Parkside Story"; however, Steph Haydock chose Mika Grainger for the lead her due to Aleesha's attitude. When Mika quit the musical after breaking up with Brett Aspinall, Aleesha was given the lead role, but was forced to quit after she and Danielle were caught bullying Karla Bentham.

Aleesha is furious with Karla for being kicked out of the musical and continues bullying her. When Aleesha looks through Karla's bag, she discovers her diary. After seeing all of the kind things that Karla wrote about her and Danielle, the girls make amends with Karla and they become friends.

Aleesha and Danielle join Mika and Brett's eco warrior protest and protest the deportation of Sameen Azizi.

Series 4

When Danielle reveals that she is being abused at home, she and Aleesha protest her right to go to school. When it's revealed that Danielle lied about being abused, it causes a rift between herself, Aleesha and Karla, but the girls soon become friends again.

Aleesha and Danielle also form a choir featuring Karla, Sambuca Kelly, Lauren Andrews and Denzil Kelly. Together, they encourage other pupils to join. With the help of their music teacher, Matt Wilding, they enter a choir competition. Aleesha and Danielle both have solos in the competition's final performance, and Waterloo Road wins the competition.

Series 5

Aleesha dillon-5

Aleesha in series 5

In their final year of high school, Aleesha and Danielle attempt to make the best of it by partying every night and showing up to school drunk or hungover which begins to impact their work.

Their partying reaches a climax when Danielle drinks some stolen ethanol from the science lab and passes out at school. Aleesha and Steph hide Danielle in a cupboard, hoping that she'll sleep it off, but when Danielle is still unconscious, she is rushed to the hospital to have her stomach pumped.

Later in the year, Aleesha and other six formers engage in another protest over wanting to join the advanced university preperation scheme; however, when she realises how much work she will have to do, she doesn't take part in it.

At the end of series five, Aleesha graduates from Waterloo Road and attends the school formal with Danielle and Karla.

Waterloo Road Reunited


A year after graduating from Waterloo Road, Aleesha attended Michaela's high school reunion and was shown to be studying beauty at a local college. She is also in a relationship with former pupil Paul Langley.

Aleesha later dumps Paul after finding out that he lost another job and lied about applying to the Army. Paul has a hard time dealing with their break-up and begins stalking Aleesha. He holds her ransom with a knife before attempting suicide. She is shown to be quite shaken up from the ordeal and is comforted by Janeece and Danielle.


  • She was on the girls football team, but is not an original member.
  • She was an original member of the school choir.
  • She was the lead of "Parkside Story" after Mika quit, but was barred from performing due to her bullying behaviour.
  • She has her tongue pierced.
  • She and Danielle were originally bullies of Karla Bentham, but they later became good friends.


  • "It's a dump. No wonder the head had to pay my mum two grand to send me here." (first line)

  • "Yeah, cos it takes time for us to look good." (final line in the main series)

  • "I kinda miss school." (final line in Waterloo Road Reunited)