BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Abdul Bukhari first appeared while his best friend Leo Fitzgerald had a video game addiction.

Abdul shows interest in genealogy and wanting to explore his family history, but his father Hassan refuses to let him take a DNA test as part of this. Abdul starts to think that Hassan is refusing because it might reveal some kind of hereditary disease, and tries to confront Hassan about this but Hassan reveals he refused because Abdul is adopted, thinking that that is what Abdul was going to say.

Hassan hurriedly tells Abdul that he was born in the UK and that it was a normal adoption, but Abdul later breaks into Hassan's bicycle shop to find his birth certificate, and discovers from the birth certificate that he was actually born in Pakistan. He is then caught by PC Ronnie Fairchild in the shop with the shop still in a state from the break-in.

Abdul confronts Hassan about the birth certificate and why it has Hassan and Hassan's late wife Aaliyah's names on it if he is adopted, and Hassan reveals that the adoption wasn't entirely legal, that they adopted Abdul from an orphanage and got a fake birth certificate to make it look legal.

PC Fairchild later speaks to Hassan asking to see Abdul's birth certificate, as details weren't matching up. Hassan suggests to Abdul that they go away for a while because there might be "some trouble", but PC Fairchild catches them. Fairchild reveals that Abdul's birth mother is actually alive, and has been looking for him all these years. Hassan reveals that he paid a fee for the adoption, angering Abdul further. Hassan is arrested for theft of a child.

Abdul later meets his birth mother, Yasmeen. She tells him that when she had him, she was unmarried and very young, and her parents were angry and took him away, and pretended he was an orphan, and took him to an orphanage, and that the man at the orphanage used to help people who couldn't have children, by selling babies. Yasmeen explains she herself knew nothing of this until her mother was dying. She then gives Abdul a pile of presents, one for every birthday she had missed. Yasmeen later says Abdul's birth father ran off when he discovered she was pregnant, and she never saw him again. She also shows Abdul a photo of her family - her husband Ibrahim and their children Jibril, Aisha, and a baby son also called Abdul.

Abdul plans to travel to Pakistan with Yasmeen to meet his biological family, but later decides to stay with Hassan after forgiving him, but still hopes to meet his family in Pakistan one day.

Abdul is last seen in Series 10 Episode 20 among the students who give speeches to parents and council members talking about how Waterloo Road has helped them, and urging the cancellation of the merger.


  • According to Abdul's fake birth certificate, he was born on 1 August 1999 in Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan.


  • "Kevin designed the system. We just log them in and out on here." (first line)

  • "What's up with you? It's just a game!"

  • Abdul: "I thought your dad took your laptop away and banned you?"
  • Leo: "Yeah, I stole it back. I've got a war to win."

  • "My project is on genetics. A sort of "Who Do You Think You Are?" - Abdul. Um, it's a way to, to get back to my roots. If my mum was here, I'd ask her, but, she isn't. Not physically. She is here as a part of me. So...oh, you stupid idiot."

  • "This says I was born in Pakistan! You said I was born in UK, why did you tell me I was adopted here?"

  • Hassan: "I don't know! I was scared that I'd lose you too if you knew. You are the most important thing in my life."
  • Abdul: "But what if I want to find out who my real parents are? Huh?"
  • Hassan: "It was an orphanage."

  • "He paid for me. He must've known it was dodgy...why else would you pay? It keeps changing. I keep thinking I know who I am, and then another thing changes. I'm an orphan. No wait, I'm not an orphan, I've got a mum. A different mum to the one I thought I had. Don't even have a home now. This morning was...this morning was all fine, all normal, and now look at me. I just wish it could go back to how it was."

  • "Yeah. What am I supposed to say to a complete stranger who happens to be my mum?"

  • Hassan: "With respect, you know next to nothing about this lady."
  • Abdul: "At least she hasn't been lying to me for 15 years!"

  • "You lot have all been saying it's up to me. Well, this is what I want. I've had enough of you. You're not my dad, so just...just leave me alone."

  • "I am so lucky you found me, and, I can't wait to get to know you and the rest of my family, but I have to stay with my dad. Because he's my dad. You do understand that, don't you?"

  • "Waterloo Road has helped me understand what being part of a family really means. Cheers, Dad." (final line)